Climbing Ladders at LaunchPad

QIC: Adobe

Date: 7-31-23

PAX: Transcript, Burns, Adobe

What a GREAT Monday morning to make the trek to the #NorthSide for my first ever Q at LaunchPad. I had never posted to this AO before, so I had to do a little Google Maps reconnaissance mission. All points on the map checked out, saw a few objects I liked, added some graphical flare and I was ready to go. The Weinke was ready:

Mission Statement….Check.    5 Core Principles….Check.  Let’s go.


SSH, Tye Fighters F & B, Abe Vagoda, Whirly w. Clap, Crab Jacks. ( I thought I may throw a curve ball, but Burns picked up on both Tye Fighter and Crab Jacks without a blink of an eye…Time to go do some more Exicon research for warm up exercises.. )


I decided to take a stroll around the AO with a little warmup run. I was carefully instructed to watch my step for big drop offs ( lots of elevation changes ).
After the lap, we made our way back up to the starting point where I discussed the ladder we would be climbing for the morning.

Start out with 1 Jump Squat, run to the next point…2 Pull-Up, run….3 Derkins ( Switch between Derkins and Irkins at each rotation )…run….4 WWII’s….run again…5 Burpees. Increase the reps at each station ( See above ).

Of course since I was leading today, I had to bring the Ghetto Blaster with me. And after finding out that the thing had lights last week by mistake, we had the disco ball vibes and bluegrass tunes cranked. After the morning playlist, we need to get a show lined up pretty soon to go see. Billy Strings in Greensboro December 6th???

Of course the North Side crew crushed this workout! Great mumblechatter this morning. Great time putting in the work with you men.
We also lucked out with the weather. We watched as the storm clouds rolled over all the other AO’s in Winston and just imagined how much fun Rubber Ducky was having!



Announcements: Sea-Man has the Q at Parliament.

Prayers: Burns Sister In Law moving to DC, prayers for easy transition. Prayers for Adobes kids..going to camp this week.

YHC took us out.


What an awesome morning. Transcript…Burns, thank you both for allowing me to Q this morning. You two gentlemen are the epitome of what F3 is all about. #HIM

Burns, thank you for the produce. Transcript, I might not be there on Monday following Ragnar, but I will be back brother.

To the barking dogs, and the graffiti artists in the area……..
