Ragnar salute to suck

QIC: Rudolph

Date: 8.12.2023

PAX: Popeye, Crash

Hey, Van Gogh and the crowd are all running around on trails proving how much they can endure suck.  Well, no sweat (or lots of) we can too.  Site Q said “hey, no one will be there and wanna Q?”.  Planned to be there anyways with an FNG, so let’s go.  No clue what to do.  I know my cardio, conditioning and core have sucked lately, so let’s do that.

Got there and saw Rubber Ducky walking around his vehicle near the Murph zone.  He did that solo, which was very cool.  I made a joke on slack that I thought he was about to Merlot, he learned some vocab.  So, wait for a bit and then Popeye pulls up.  Hadn’t met him, was a bit excited to see a new guy (to me, like his 5th or 6th workout).  Then comes the stalwart Crash, so let’s get to it.

I recited something of a mission statement and said let’s got get some.  Warmup went backwards of my normal to accommodate Popeye’s leg.  That was strange but fun.  So, in honor of Ragnar kids I said I’d take us through things I hate.

Jacob’s Ladder – we ran to the hill, and did the ol’ run up to 7 burpees total.  The grass was wet.  The tall grass was wetter.  Refreshing and miserable at the same time, I’m sure you can relate.

Dora – 100 sprawls, 200 squats, 300 crunches.  Crash can kiss my ass on his crunch ability.  Jokes on him, I was tired and had enough of running….he ran farther than me or Popeye, all good.

Core – this was interesting as I’ve recently had Apple Fitness as a trial and when on the road I actually enjoy the core exercise programs, and they are like most exercise:  you get out of them what you give.  So, for the last 20 minutes I thought I’d pull out one of the 20 minute sessions and go through it.  Popeye thought it was time, but this is Saturday brother!  We go an hour 🙂  Crash thought there were kids on the video but it was the cackling of a background performer…a diminuitive woman….cackling.  Moving on….

Roll back to start and TIME.


PRAYERS & CARE – Crash’s cousin is doing well!  That’s a good thing and glad that she’s improved.  Popeye is going through it now and needs a lot of support to ensure that we have his 6 covered.  Tough times here and I wont detail via a BB, but when you see him, give him a pat on the back and help how you can.  His son is Cooper, pray for him and their family.

MOLESKIN – good to lead no matter the crowd, no matter the day.  I’ve been too focused on weights, need to regularity of good company in the gloom.  Glad to meet Popeye!  Crash can still kiss my ass over his LBC superiority.
