WIB Things

QIC: Lamb Chop

Date: 8/10/2023

PAX: Mutton, Toot, Frosty, Palin, Lamb Chop

WIB, where we do WIB things.


We warmed up in the Food Lion parking lot with SSH, Imperial Walker, Abe Vigoda, and Whirly.

Then we mosied to the corner of Magnolia and Lyndhurst. Here we did 5 Burpees, 5 Merkins, 5 Mike Tysons, and 5 Things Greenspan Likes (I always forget what they are called).

Then we mosied to Frosty’s house (Magnolia/Maplewood) and did 5 Lunges each side, 5 Jump Squats, 5 Copperhead Squats.

Then we mosied up the hill to corner of Maplewood/Coventry and did 5 WWII, 5 Mutton Crunch each side, 5 Big O.

Then we mosied to the corner of Coventry/Lyndhurst and did 5 Inch Worms, 5 Nolar Ryans each side, 5 Monkey humpers.

Then we mosied back to the first corner, did 5 burpees and added 5 of each exercise to the rest.

We completed 3 full laps for ~2.25 miles.



Good muble chatter. We saw Frosty’s M watching TV at 5:30AM (why?).


Thanks for the keys Toot. See you next time you force me to Q WIB.


Lamb Chop