TRQ Switcheroo

QIC: Turnover

Date: 9.28.23

PAX: Green Acres (WD) , Bevo , D-Day , Crash , Giles , Starfish , Tonka (WB) , Turnover (Q)

Thanks to a big assist from @Greenspan, YHC was able to switch Q’s for the prestigious #TRQ and found himself with the keys this fine morning. The weather was perfect and the assembled PAX were hungry for a solid beatdown, so away we went at the strike of 0530.

Mission Statement and CP’s recited flawlessly (and in walks @Giles)

Warm o Rama

SSH IC x15

ISW IC x15

Stretchy-Stretch (aka pitiful attempt at yoga)


Saunter over to main parking lot

Mode of transportation = Lunge Walk

Stop at each island for the called exercise

Island 1: 20 Merkins

Island 2: 20 LBCs

Island 3: 20 Squats (ya know…so our legs are warmed up…in case the hundred or so yards of lunges didn’t do that)

Island 4: 20 Burpees (this was greeted with a raucous round of applause and unanimous approval)

Mosey to back of school/rock pile.

@D-Day: “What kind of rock should we get?”

@Turnover: “The kind that you’ll regret you chose later today.”

All PAX made their rock selections (although it seems the inventory of rocks seems to be dwindling? cc: @Green Acres – Pls fix, thx) and brought them to the top of the roundabout where they were directed to place the rocks at the edge of the grass under the light pole.

We lined up against the brick wall of the school where YHC outlined our activities for the morning:

  1. From the wall, bear crawl to your rock
  2. Use rock to complete called exercise
  3. Crawl bear back to wall
  4. Rebound Drill/People’s Chair for the 6
  5. Repeato

Exercises were as follows (all x20 OYO):

Overhead Press


Goblet Squat

Bent Over Row

Front Raise (aka Curls….#IYKYK) – *Note: this was a #crowdpleaser

Reverse Lunge (single count / 10 each leg)

Chest Press

Man Makers Skull Crusher (@D-Day saved us all from what the Q had planned with his quick thinking #People’sChamp)

After the Skull Crushers, we returned to the wall for our final activity of the morning

Donkey Kick/Merkin Circuit

10 Donkey Kicks + 2 Merkins

9 Donkey Kicks + 2 Merkins

8 Donkey Kicks + 2 Merkins

And so on, down to 1

Return rocks and slow mosey back to launch


Ski Abs x15 IC

Gas pumps x15 IC

Sloooow Penguin Crunch x15 IC

And Time



GreeNest is back on for 2 Saturdays in October. See @Starfish for deets

Monthly Men’s Breakfast at River Oaks Community Church at 6:30am on Tuesday, October 3rd. All are welcome to join. Post at #Parliament and then head on over for some 2nd F, 3rd F, and 4th F (food).

Prayer Requests

Aging parents

@Crash’s dad having surgery this morning

@Giles’ M

The Hemphill family on the passing of their 16 y/o daughter, Emma, last week. There will be a memorial service for Emma at River Oaks at 5pm this Saturday (9.30)

YHC took us out asking Him for healing, wisdom, and grace.


#T-Claps to @Tonka who appeared to have gotten a #SadClown EC run in prior to the beatdown

There were some grumblings of displeasure over the mode of transportation for the first portion of the beatdown. @Green Acres appropriately pointed out “at least it isn’t bear crawls.” #perspective #foreshadowing

As mentioned, everyone loved the 20 burpees at the end of the parking lot

There seemed to be some initial confusion on what type of rock to select after the Q’s “one that you’ll regret later” description. There was NOT any confusion shortly after we got started. I can’t speak for everyone, but at minimum, I regret the selection I made. #NoodleArms

There was a brief moment of sheer panic for YHC when one of the school employees pulled in for work and seemed to be headed straight for YHC’s phone and speaker that was strategically placed in the middle of the parking lot (so everyone could hear the righteous tunes from all locations). Luckily, the savvy driver of the Jeep Grand Cherokee managed to avoid obliterating YHC’s personal effects. @Bevo also marveled at the fact that, despite my concern over the situation, YHC didn’t feel it necessary to drop my rock over the dilemma. #Priorities

Speaking of tunes, the PAX were treated to a mix of the finest Alt Rock selections from the early-to-mid 2000’s.

Related: Those of us that have small children unanimously decided that System of a Down’s “Chop Suey!” will be the soundtrack we’ll use to awaken our children for school in the mornings going forward.

@Green Acres’ 10-count skills are in the range of “Elite” to “Quite Elite”.

@Starfish was our Man on Fire this morning as he was out in front from start to finish. He also displayed impeccable yoga form whilst transitioning from down dog to up dog during the warmup.

Everyone thought it was @Wobegon’s Subaru that was pulling in the parking lot as we crept closer to 0530. They were bitterly disappointed to realize it was actually @Bevo.

It’s always an honor to lead one of these workouts. Really appreciate everyone who posted.

Thanks for the keys, @Green Acres. I think I might have dropped them in the tall, wet grass where we did the rock work.


1 Comment

  • Green Acres
    September 28, 2023 1:11 pm

    Beatdown was perfectly turrible! 😅. Just enough bear crawls. I need to work on Donkey Kick form…very hard for my old self.
    Bunch of new music I never heard of…must’ve been after the 70’s. Overall great morning! Thanks for leading! 👏

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