As Many Squats as You Want

QIC: Wobegon

Date: 2-8-24

PAX: Starfish, Dr. Toot, Turnover, Spicoli, Bam, Greenspan, Wobegon

It was a simple plan. It was written around 8:45 last night while Bloodsport, Hop, and I watched AEW Wrestling and made fun of the new Rick Flair Energy Drink (far too many Os in the Woo, and it’s only sold in dispensaries? What even is ashwagandha? Isn’t an energy drink to Rick Flair just a rum and coke? Does he even know his name is on it?)

It went like this:

Warm-o-Rama while Spicoli and Bam finally decided to join us.

To the trailhead:

  1. Trail Head: 20 Heels to Heaven, 20 WW2s
  2. Mosey the connecter trail. 10 Squats at each light post.
  3. Parking Lot: 10 merkins, 10 lunges, 10 wide merkins, 10 backward lunges, 10 diamond merkins.
  4. Return and repeat.

Pax were given a choice: keep maxing their squat count each trip down the trail or skip the squats if they wanted more running miles. One pax texted me last night looking for miles, and YHC did 300 squats yesterday so I thought the option would be appreciated. I think everyone but the Q did ALL THE SQUATS. Respect.

We finished up with Mary and 1:30 or more squats, another 50, then 30 of the plank. Most guys got over 600.


Spicoli’s friend John was found unresponsive yesterday with a brain bleed. The kids and wife are all waiting to hear what is next, the HIM that Spicoli is, he has been helping with the kids. We never know what our last normal day might be.

See Bam about Assault On Black Rock if you are feeling like a nice easy jog in the mountains.

YHC took us out. Thanks for the push and the time this morning. All the better for it, but I’m resting my legs tomorrow.


1 Comment

  • BAM
    February 8, 2024 2:53 pm

    1. YHC got there much earlier than Spicoli
    2. Greenspan and YHC did squats on the way out, jog on the way back, FYI. And that was very sufficient!

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