Impossible Situation

QIC: Mutton

Date: 03/16/2024

PAX: Mutton, Spicolli, Drip, Lambchop

A solid 3 joined YHC this morning for a mix of running and strength and a lot of fellowship.

The Thang:

SSH as we waited on Drip and Spicolli to join us, then it was off for a slow mosey around the YMCA and ending up at the base of the Intimidator where we finished  our warm-a-rama.  The usual stuff plus some stretching.

Next up was a reverse suicide on the Intimidator.  Th Pax was instructed to run to the top of the Intimidator a complete the following:

10 WWIIs, 20 Merkins, 30 Squats then wait for the 6 before running down to the base.

Next stop was Jersey and the same set of exercises.  Then to the cul-de-sac, then the first sign.  Sounds easy, but we pushed ourselves to go as fast as we could.


On to the playground for some more fun.   The Pax was instructed to complete a ladder of two exercises.  20 reverse pulls, then 5 side lunges each side.  Then 15 reverse pulls followed by 10 side lunges.  We did this all the way down to 5 reverse pulls will 25 total reps accomplished each time.

Lastly, off to the benches by the tennis center for 7 layers of dip and Mary combo.

7 double count dips followed by an ab exercise.

That left a brief amount of time to take a look at the new RJR football field.  Should be ready by the Fall.

It was a beautiful morning and there was great fellowship.


New evening workout at Miller Park.  Tuesday nights at 7:30 beginning 4/9.  Let’s make this a success!

YHC took us out praising God for the beautiful morning, great friends and the gift of our able bodies.