$5 touched my weinke without permission

QIC: Burns

Date: 7.13.24

PAX: $5 Footlong, Palin, Yukon Cornelius, Spicoli, Drip, Cheesesteak, Burns

YHC answered the call from Mutton needing a Q for #TheMuthaship and put together a plan that would a) not destroy me for trail training, b) not destroy me post-blood donation yesterday, and c) not destroy anyone else because I like you people. But we still had some exercising to do and some heart rates to elevate and some sweat angels to leave behind. YHC got to the parking lot at 0659, just in time to quell the talk of an early coffeeteria and we got started right away – music was queued up, core principles and mission statements were recited, and we were off.

WoR: SSH, Imperial thingys, Whirlies, High plank to down dog to high plank to mtn climbers to low plank to updog to high plank to peter parkers. OH claps & Michael Phelps. All x10ic.

The thang, pt 1: Quarter Murph. Mosey to the playground and do 25 pullups, 50 merkins, and 75 squats OYO.

The thang, pt 2: A whole lotta tabata. Mosey to the shelter by the track. Sets of 3 exercises to be done in true tabata style (20s on, 10s rest) 4 times in a row, followed by a lap around the track. The sets:

  • Split Squat L leg, Split Squat R leg, American Hammers
  • Merkins, Dips, LBCs
  • Squatty Pottys, Mike Tysons, Heels to Heaven
  • Irkins, Derkins, Low Flutter
  • Burpees, Bonnie Blairs, Low Dolly

Mary: Low flutter, Single Leg Prom Dates, Mutton Crunches, Pickle Pounders. Sets of 10 WWIIs OYO in between each.



Great to be at TheMuthaship. Saturday workouts are a different animal – sunshine, an extra 15 minutes. Eesh.

At one point, $5 Footlong picked up my weinke sitting on the table. This led to a deep discussion about the appropriateness of touching another man’s weinke unprompted.

Great to see Cheesesteak out again after a while – he picked up right where he left off, doing about 60% of the actual called exercises and making the other things more difficult.

Spicoli showed up on time, crushed the workout, and led the charge to coffeeteria at Bobby Boy afterwards

Palin & Yukon Cornelius took some liberties with the “run a lap” portion of the BD, but ended up with two new tennis balls as a result. Yukon was given the option to choose 4 or 5 after our 3rd set since we were running out of time, and he chose 5 for the benefit of all pax involved.

Drip used the hour to plan his trip to Italy.

YHC was ribbed for bringing my water bottle, but was soon found to be in the right on account of the heat & humidity & low red blood cell count

Announcements: GreeNest and Samaritan Ministries service opportunities coming up, check slack. Give blood if you can.

CoT: Cheesesteak is celebrating 5 years since his first date w/his M. YHC took us out with gratitude for the day and for the SkyQ’s guiding presence in our lives.

Mutton, thanks for the keys – don’t put em near your weinke or $5 will touch them unsolicited