Cult adjacent, maybe?

QIC: Wobegon

Date: 7-24-2024

PAX: $5 Foot Long, Mutton, Lincoln, Tar Heel, Schlitz, Turnover.

The rain held off, and the cars rolled in. Looks like Schltiz had his own personal EC run, good on ‘em. It went like this:


SSH, Whirly, Overhead claps, Seal claps, Arm Swirly Things, Calf Stretch, Abe.

Everyone loves Abe and the Calf Stretch–Mr. Stretchy Stretch. The Shultz. What have you.

Warm and let’s mosey to track


The Merkin/LBC Mile

  • 25 LBCs at the shelter area of the track.
  • Half lap mosey around track
  • 25 merkins
  • Half lap mosey around track


Repeat-0 for a total of 4 rounds. 100 reps of each and about a mile. Not bad for openers. On to the playground. 


Some Tabata To Cool Down

45 seconds on, 15 rest. Pax choice if they wanted to get some pull-ups in on the Taps/Docks segments. Think just TO took advantage.


The tabata:

  • Squats
  • Shoulder taps OR Pull-Ups
  • Lunges (left)
  • Carolina Dry Docks OR pull ups
  • Lunges (right)

At this point $5 drops some information on internet chatter regarding F3 and how we may or may not give off cult/extremis vibes to those watching from the outside. Redit is conflicted. We know the truth. Are we a cult? No? Do we maybe look like one? 

Fine, maybe we do. But maybe just talk to us rather than post on the internet about it? Crazy, I know.

Now, for the last bit of fun:

Intimidator Nut Punch

Partner up; one holds a high plank, and the other runs to the stop sign and keeps flip-flopping. I think everyone ran twice.



All the ab favorites, 5 final perfect form merkins, and done. 


Prayers for Mutton’s niece and difficult medical news.

Prayers for Frank and Beans and Mom’s health issues. 

Thinking of all of those with aging parents and those traveling this summer.


And out we went.

Beans, the keys are at the top of the Intimidator. 

Not a cult,


1 Comment

  • Spicoli
    July 25, 2024 12:37 am

    Not a cult. Definitely a community organization. A helpful at that. Oh the audacity!

    Sorry to miss this workout, but YHC was Q’ing at a separatist AO.

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