Deets on IS/Purgatory Converge

QIC: Wobegon, Undertow

Date: 7/6/2024

PAX: Boomerang, Parquet, Burlap, Linus, Tuna Roll, Mutton, Pony Express, Lamb Chop, D-Day, Drip, Wobegon, Undertow

Warmarama: SSH, Storm Troopers, Whirlies, Arm Swirlies, Hill Billies, Abes

Track: D100O200R300A with Merkins, LBCs, and Squats. Partner Bear Crawls to that tree, and back.

Playground Tables: 5-10-15-20 Back Lunges, Phelps, Gas Pump, and Shoulder Taps. Run, Repeato.

Intimidator (Undertow takes over): Low Dolly x 15, Low Flutter x 15, Backwards run up to STOP sign, mosey back. Hammers, Box Cutters.

Track Again: 2-1-1-2 Sprint Up, Backwards Run Back halfway, Sprint Up, Backwards All the Way. Repeato with 2 Burpees each Vector Change.

Education Hill: Ladder, missing a few wrungs (rungs?). We did Jump Squats then wran up the hill and wrested, if I wremember wright we did hammers and wran back, keeping a wrunning total of eleven. Wran short on time so impleted the wrounding error wrule.

Hot-arama: Nothing Warm about this weekend. Did not do any pull ups. Mutton Crunches, Crunchy Frogs, maybe.

COT: Prayers for Lamb Chop’s aunt facing a difficult diagnosis. Sheldon’s father in law, in SC. Parents, Kids, Grandchildren.