Easy Math at BnW

QIC: Wobegon

Date: 7-3-24

PAX: Transcript, Closer, Bluto, Interference, Candyland, Bongo, Airbag, Triple Lindy, Wahoo, Woodpecker, Wobegon

The cars rolled in, and we got right down to it on 7/3 at BnW

Warm-O-Rama was pretty standard, but there was an eerie total lack of counting the IC Whirly-With-The-Clap but some loud, crisp, and right-on-time clapping. It was cool sounding. We did 20 if you’re taking notes.

On to The Thang:

7/3. 7+3 is 10.


7 exercises, 10 reps each + 3 running drills

  1. Do the 7 exercises, 10 reps of each one
  2. Do the 3 running drills
  3. Repeat-O


7 Exercises:

  1. Curls
  2. OHP
  3. Skulls
  4. LBCS
  5. Mutton R
  6. Mutton L
  7. Goblet Squats

3 Running Drills:

  1. Tennis court: Sprint full speed length and back
  2. Wink’s Loop: Slower mosey
  3. Parking Lot Loop: Choose your own pace


Now, repeat-o till about 6:07.

Circle up for Mary, ending with 10 merkins OYO. 

And done. 5 or 6 rounds, I think?

A solid group of HIMs and only the most minimal of MC all morning. Hope it was a sufficient beatdown and the playlist, which spanned from Isbell to Rancid, met with approval. 

Thanks to Transcript for grabbing the cardboard and Woodpecker for grabbing the speaker for me. That cardboard is irreplaceable, and Amazon Prime Days is notwithstanding; YHC is not interested in replacing the Bluetooth.

Transcript, the keys are up at the top of Wink’s Loop. Honor to be with y’all.