I’m at High Life but can’t remember how I got here

QIC: Draftee

Date: 07-23-2024

PAX: Raspberry (FNG), Blue Steel, Heisenberg, Dolly (WB), Inspector Gadget, Burns, Lamb Chop, Dr. Toot (WD), Draftee (QiC)


  • Side straddle hop
  • Abe Vigoda

YHC was already plenty warm from the EC half murph so I cut it short to get the party started.


The Work

YHC pivoted on the planned beatdown in honor of the FNG that showed up.  Unbeknownst to this poor soul, he helped create this beatdown a few weeks ago when he cut some perfectly square tickets out of scrap 1/4″ plywood for me.

Mosey to the edge of the parking lot where we found a stack of wood blocks.  All blocks were turned upside-down and arranged in a grid.  You guessed it.  We were about to embark on a beatdown style of memory.


Game Rules

  1. All PAX circle the grid of blocks in the high plank position.
  2. Dolly started us off by flipping two blocks over to reveal the names of two exercises.  No match = penalty burpees for all.  All mosey to the workout pad about 75 meters away and conduct 10 burpees.  Then mosey back to starting position and assume the high plank position.
  3. Heisenberg is next.  He flipped over two blocks and revealed a match.  BINGO.  Match = penalty of QTY 30 of the exercise.
  4. Rinse and repeat in the hopes of clearing the board.



  1. It was noted that Q was getting much better at the opening ceremonies.  I guess with enough reps I just might remember why we are here.
  2. Someone mentioned that they were crying inside during the beatdown.  Some mentioned they were crying outside but you couldn’t tell due to the humidity.
  3. There was a heated discussion between Dr. Toot & Lamb Chop about EC pullup and if they should count.  Ultimately they agreed to disagree and let Turnover make a ruling.
  4. Inspector Gadget showed up with a weighed vest.  YHC tried to keep his composure but just couldn’t believe he was being so underestimated at his creativity to come up with a worthy beat down that extra weight is needed before even knowing what the work was going to be.  In all seriousness, you are a beast Inspector Gadget.  I want to be you when I grow up.



  1. Friday Crossnore run



  1. Lamb Chop’s family facing a difficult pregnancy report by doctors.  We are praying for a miracle for a safe birth and healthy baby.
  2. Blue Steel’s family has some travel logistic challenges in the next couple of weeks.  Right when school is starting.


It was an honor to lead.  Thanks for the keys Frostbite.

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