
QIC: Frostbite

Date: 07/09/2024

PAX: @Gold Watch (WD), @Rubber Ducky, @Burns, @Chick Flick, @Lamb Chop, @$5 Footlong, @Rollback, @Frostbite (WB, QiC, YHC)

YHC set out to get on the books for July’s Monthly Challenge after being out last week. This month it is Pull-Ups.
YHC also set out to make sure we all got the same number of Pull-Ups. No picking up the 6 with exercise.
YHC also ensured there was at least 2 counters. 1 being @Lamb Chop. 1 being the #HIM and academic in @Burns for validation purposes.
YHC also had the Q at #Flatline…an #AO where the only spot for Pull-Ups (that YHC could remember) being in the sauna-esque parking deck. It was hot and humid. But it was inevitable.



the quality of being certain to happen.

“there was an air of inevitability about the outcome”
And here is how our time at the fast-paced #Flatline went where we had to do some pull-ups:
Moving Warmarama aka Spicoli Lap:
Corner 1: SSH 10 x IC
Corner 2: Copperhead Squat 10 x IC
Corner 3: Imperial Storm Troopers 10 x IC
Corner 4: Whirley’s got the Clap 10 x IC (STILL?!)
Mosey to the parking deck
The Thang 1:
YHC laid out the plan. We would do a set of exercises starting with 1 rep. We would run up a level and add a rep all the way to the top.
Exercises were:
Pull Ups
Jump Squats
The Thang 2:
At the top of deck and a reprieve from the sauna, we did Merkin Ring of Fire
Circle Up and Plank.
#Pax were instructed that we would take turns doing Merkins. Starting with 5 and then moved onto the next person for 5 and so forth (when not doing merkins, holding plank).  All the way down to 1.
The Thang 3:
Mosey down parking deck. Stopping at each level for 2 pull-ups
The Thang 4:
Partner Up. Partner A to do 1 pull up. Partner B holds Al Gore. Flapjack. All the way up to 5.
The Thang 5:
Sprint all the way up to the top of parking deck. NO STOPs
The Thang 6: 
At top of Deck for Squat Ring of Fire.
#Pax were instructed that we would take turns doing Squats. Starting with 5 and then moved onto the next person for 5 and so forth (when not doing squats, holding Al Gore).  All the way down to 1.
The Thang 7:
Mosey down parking deck. Stopping at each level for 2 pull-ups.
Mosey to amphitheater across from 1st Pres
The Thang 8:
WW2 Ring of Fire.
#Pax were instructed that we would take turns doing WW2s. Starting with 5 and then moved onto the next person for 5 and so forth (when not doing squats, low flutter).  All the way down to 1.
Mosey back to launch for 6 MOM
Mutton Crunch L/R
Low Dolleys
Alabama Prom Dates
Penguin Crunches
Pickle Pounders
Box Cutters
American Hammers
*60 pull ups for those who counted. No more. No less.
@Rollback was out front all morning even after setting the pace with YHC at RnG yesterday morn. Dude is fast and strong. He also color coordinated his headband with his shoes.
Always great to have @GoldWatch in our Mix. He didn’t complain once about the humidity as it was supposedly better than Florida Suncoast (where they don’t use gloves but bring water with them). He will be with us until end of the month before heading down south to reunite with @Spam
@Lamb Chop was not color coordinating and kept the MC up. I think he secretly misses working for #BigTobacco. He is actually good at counting when there are controls in place.
Speaking of #BigTobacco, @ChickFlick, the ever faithful site Q put in strong work this morning. Could not get his hair to mess up…so maybe next time.
@Burns must have recovered from his blisters after a trail run this morning as he put in some strong work this AM. He also forgot to stop watch until YHC texted him about mileage. I take that as a compliment to the beatdown and haze post-workout we were all feeling.
@Rubber Ducky reminisced on his hog adventures with @Wilbur and complained about the grips for pull-ups in the deck.  Sorry we don’t have bars!
@Five Dollar was steady and strong as can be. Not sure if I have seen him sweat that much. Ever. Strong work!
Double down with me tonight at #HighLife. 7:30pm at Miller Park. @Mutton on the Q.
Lots of trail run options coming up for Ragnarians. Next one is Crossnore on Friday at 5:30am with Coffee to follow at Debeen with the UA Folk.  Pilot Mtn adventure Sunday AM.  See @Burns or Slack for any details.
@$5 has BnW tomorrow morning. Tunes will be in tow
Samaritan Ministry #3rdF opportunity is next Monday! Need some #HIMs signed up. See @Drip or @Greenspan for deets.
@Five Dollar and his family going through a tough time right now. Prayers for strength, courage, perseverance, good health.
@Lamb Chop’s Aunt who received some scary medical news
@GoldWatch In-law’s also had some scary diagnosis. For Healing. Peace.
@Rollback graciously took us out in a very sweat #COT aka Ball of Man. Juicy Boyz we all were.
Thanks for the keys @Chick Flick — I threw them off the top of the parking deck.
All the love,

1 Comment

  • Spicoli
    July 9, 2024 3:06 pm

    Thanks for the Spicoli lap! YHC managed to turn off the alarm instead of snoozing it 🤦👎

    Next time! Looked like a brutal workout 💪

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