My Buddy and Me at Conspiracy


Date: 07/03/24

PAX: Lincoln (WB), First Alert (WD), BAM (QIC)

Forgoing YHC’s usual Wednesday locale to  Q the original Wednesday workout is always an honor.  Hanes Park always provides ample opportunities for fun.  In honor of Bells n’ Whistles, YHC thought some resistance training would be a nice touch.

When YHC rolled into the parking lot, local police were protecting and serving, and there were two other cars as well.  2 dudes ambled out of their cars, each thinking they were in the right place, but not quite sure.  So, the Q attempted some Q duties and introduced himself.  Turns out it was some newer pax that YHC hadn’t met yet!

The clock struck 0530, so lets get started!

My Buddy today is my ruck – just had the 30lb weight plate in it.  Plan is for pax to take turns carrying it and wearing it during exercises.


  • SSH’s in the parking lot in case Spicoli made it
  • start moseying with stops at various points for
  • squats
  • whirlies
  • IW

The Thang

At Daniel Boone marker

  • 20 hand release merkins
  • 20 copperhead squats

At corner of Reynolda and NW

  • 20 diamond merkins
  • 20 monkey humpers

At entrance to tunnel

  • 15 hand release merkins
  • 15 copperhead squats

Through tunnel to benches

  • 15 diamond merkins
  • 15 monkey humpers

Pass the buddy at the benches

  • one pax does called exercise, other pax hold a position, then pass ruck for next pax to do the called exercise, etc
  • 10 merkins while others hold plank
  • 10 step ups with press – hold squat
  • 10 dips
  • 10 squats

Mosey down to track Gazebo

Welsh Dragon (have no idea why this is called that, but it sucked)

  • bear crawl four steps
  • 1 merkin
  • 1 plank jack
  • 1 alt shoulder tap
  • bear crawl
  • 2 of each exercise, etc
  • stop at 6

mosey to parking lot

  • do the “tail” of the dragon, rounds 7-10
  • #crowdpleaser




  • First Alert battled through some kind of strain that bit him early one, impressive!
  • Lincoln was EH’d by Sweet Spot – buddies from high school days, YHC was youth pastor at 1st Pres for part of that time, so possibly crossed paths with him then! #smallworld
  • Stadium is coming together nicely
  • Appreciate pax willingness to humor me and care for my buddy well during the workout

COT – BAM out

1 Comment

  • FrankandBeans
    July 3, 2024 7:45 am

    Great idea to bring your buddy! Thanks for Qing today Ban. My apologies for missing out. #fartsack

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