A Simple Purgatory

  YHC used up all my creativity for the July 4th convergence, so today would be “classic” or “same old boring GA workout”, depending on your POV  😆 Warmarama: SSH, AV, Whirlies, Imp Walkers, Y-flies, squats   Then stroll to hill leading down...

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Recovery Day at Conspiracy

Always love visiting my old Site Q #AO so when @Frank&Beans hit me up for a Q, I immediately said yes.  To be honest, I have been infrequent in visiting #Conspiracy due to #HighLife happening on Tuesday nights and the good ole fartsack...

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Up then back Down

Expecting huge participation this morning, I planned out a fantastic workout that would cause everyone to giggle with glee. Little did I know that one sad HC fell through (yikes a 75 burpee penalty for Burnsey Clause) and only one other PAX would...

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IPC in July

BEATDOWN. Setup 4 cones were placed in the field about 20ish yards apart.  Note: I said “cone”, not “cup”.   Cone 1: Blockees Cone 2: Side-to-Side Merkins Cone 3: Coupon Thrusters Cone 4: Gas Pumps   Workout Murder Bunny from cone to...

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Prison Workout

Warmoroma Side straddle hop Abe Vigoda Whirly with a clap   The Work Mosey to the ticket counter.  All pax purchased a ticket to the main event. Teams of two (2).  PAX 1 farmer carries both blocks as long and a fast as his forearms will...

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Spam for Breakfast at Wimbledon

9 pax posted to TRQ for the unexpected theme of Breakfast at Wimbledon and some tunes.  See the NMM for the Spam reference. It went something like this: Warm-o-rama:  We did one warm up exercise and then moseyed about 25 yards, then repeated this...

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High Life

Around 3pm, while driving back form a meeting, my car thermometer read 103 degrees.   I immediately thought, “Tonight is going to suck.”  I also thought, I need to make this more user friendly so the Pax can go at it’s own...

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YHC set out to get on the books for July’s Monthly Challenge after being out last week. This month it is Pull-Ups. YHC also set out to make sure we all got the same number of Pull-Ups. No picking up the 6 with exercise. YHC also ensured...

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Deets on IS/Purgatory Converge

Warmarama: SSH, Storm Troopers, Whirlies, Arm Swirlies, Hill Billies, Abes Track: D100O200R300A with Merkins, LBCs, and Squats. Partner Bear Crawls to that tree, and back. Playground Tables: 5-10-15-20 Back Lunges, Phelps, Gas Pump, and Shoulder...

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Tower Of Hell!!

As soon as I stepped out this morning I just knew not one soul was gonna join me in this thick ass humidity. Alas! I was proven wrong as I was driving up Tarheel was finishing an EC run. Acting like it was nothing and killing it.  arriving at...

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