Tower Of Hell!!

QIC: Schlitz

Date: 4/5/2024

PAX: Zima, Tarheel, Five dollar footlong, Schlitz

As soon as I stepped out this morning I just knew not one soul was gonna join me in this thick ass humidity. Alas! I was proven wrong as I was driving up Tarheel was finishing an EC run. Acting like it was nothing and killing it.  arriving at launch I was joined by the other fine fellows looking to burn off J-4 shenanigans.

so we did-

Warmarama. SSH, Worley, right over left and bend down, flip, blah blah blah, TO THE TOWER OF HELL!!

once at the parking deck we did a what was hoped to be a 1 minute dead hang to loosen up. Now to ascend! Starting at the bottom we did 10 merkins, ran backwards up the slope in the parking deck, 8 merkins at the top, run down, then 6 at the bottom, run backwards back up, do 4 then! Bear crawl DOWN the slope and finish the last two merkins. We then ran to the next level where we kept the same formula but replaced with

Jump squats

Mike Tysons


and at the very top Burpees!
We had juuuusst enough time and then bolted back to launch.

No merry.

Please pray for 5 dollar footlong and his entire family. A man needs his village when he’s in the thick of it. He his however still managing to show up and kill the game. Stay strong homey

Zima- always good to see this guy…..out in front making us all look bad. He’s an asshole, but he’s OUR asshole

Tarheel made everything look super easy with his Ec run and barely being out of breath for the workout.

strong work my dudes! Happy 5th #millercansuckit