When at Flatline, do as the Flatliners do.

QIC: Burns

Date: 7.30.24

PAX: Turnover, Chick Flick (WB), Five Dollar Footlong, Wobegon (WD), Van Gogh, Lamb Chop, Burns (QIC)

YHC hit the snooze and embraced the fartsack yesterday, so anyone coming to Flatline today would also be paying for my crimes…

0525 – arrive, get ya bodies loose

0530 – begin. no intros, no core principles, no mission statement. whoops.

Spicoli lap: Corner 1 – 10 CH Squats, Corner 2 – 10 CH Merkins, Corner 3 – 10 CH Lunges each leg, and Corner 4 – 10 Michael Phelps

Mosey to the loathed Flatline parking deck. At each beam do 2 pullups. Broad jump between the beams. Pick up the six.

Mosey to Merschel Plaza. Stop at every intersection for 5 burpees. At the bottom of the Plaza by 3rd St, do 25 American Hammers and run up the stairs to the top by 4th St and do 10 dips. Repeato x4, increasing dips by 5 each time. Pick up the six.

Mosey to the 5th & Church parking deck, aka the UA deck. Stop at every intersection for 5 burpees. At the train tracks do 1 pullup. Run to the end of the deck and do 9 Mike Tysons. Repeato with +1/-1 to 5 & 5. Pick up the six. 4 extra pullups for a total of 35.

Mosey to the bus station. Stop at every intersection for 5 burpees. Find a spot on the blocks/benches. 10 step ups each leg, 10 derkins. 10 step ups each leg, 10 merkins. 10 step ups each leg, 10 irkins.

Mosey back to launch. Stop at each intersection for 5 burpees. Mary – Muttons L & R, SL Prom Dates L & R. Fin.


CONSTANT MOVEMENT. That’s the goal with the high tempo BD format, and YHC stuck to that today. No 10 counts, no breathers. Just hard work. Turnover and Lamb Chop were leading the way most of the morning. Couple of studs. Van Gogh pushed through some tightness and got it done. Chick Flick moved through everything with ease, and didn’t complain too much about the distance (1.7 miles this morning). The site Q has chastised me for my exploratory tendencies before. Wobegon looks every bit ready for West Virginia. $5 is always quick with a quip and an encouragement, and makes me better each time he posts. Glad your hiatus is over, brother. YHC is tired from the beatdown but my heart is full from spending this morning with all of you gents.

Announcements – TO has Distillery Thursday, it’s his first Q in a while. Go heckle him. Greenspan has High Life tonight, apparently there will be tons of pullups.

Prayers for pax travelling, for Lamb Chop’s cousin, for the pandemic of male loneliness, and for our continued recognition of the blessings in our lives.

Chick Flick, thanks for the keys. We’ll cover more mileage next time I promise.

1 Comment

  • Spicoli
    July 30, 2024 10:18 pm

    So sorry to have missed this. Two fartsacks in a row this week. Not a good look but you guys killed it! Well done 💪

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