Reynolda Village, We Love You

QIC: Burns

Date: 8.22.24

PAX: Lamb Chop, Frostbite (WB), Greenspan, Manscape (WD), Rollback, Pollster, Burns (QIC)

A wonderfully cool taste of fall air greeted the pax as they gathered in the gloom at a lost-but-not-forgotten-and-seldom-used AO. Reynolda Village really is an ideal WIB AO – a .3-.4mi loop and centrally(ish) located. Let’s do this some more.

WoR – SSH, Imperial Walkers, Michael Phelps. That’s it, that’s the WoR.

The thang – 3 stations along the loop, do as many loops as you can. Pax were challenged to do at least 5 circuits and all succeeded.

  • Station 1: Fountain. 22 dips, 22 squatty potties
  • Station 2: Bottom of the back lot. Bear crawl up 11 paces, 22 diamond merkins, crawl bear back 11 paces
  • Station 3: Bottom lot under the launch point. 22 American hammers, 22 gas pumps.

Keeping up with Rollback was a fool’s errand. Greenspan felt great. Pollster pounded some pavement. Lamb Chop and Frostbite were fraternal. Manscape just gets it done.

Announcements were announced, prayer requests were shared and prayed for.

Thanks for the keys, RC! I’ll take em back for Halloween.

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