Tag A Dude! It works!

QIC: Wobegon

Date: 8-20-2024

PAX: @Spicoli
@Burns (WB)
@dr. toot (WD)
@Lamb Chop
@Rubber Ducky
Maytag (DR, Tennessee)
Slapshot (former FNG. DR from Virginia)
@wobegon (QIC)

So, when I started the mad tagging spree while eating my sad desk lunch, I thought, “Let’s try and get some guys on tomorrow…” I was not trying to start a competition. But the Nantan had other plans. And if it WAS a competition, Frosty won. But the real goal was to have a good workout and let guys know. And that was…in YHC’s humble opinion, accomplished. It went like this:

Guys were stretching and getting ready when I pulled in with 8 minutes to go. From the gloom, two unknowns came running in. Enter our FNG and Maytag, both in town for a work conference.

0530. It’s Flatline, so here we go:

The Spicoli Lap:
Let’s hit the 5 core principles as we get the blood flowing

  1. 1st corner: Free of charge, 10 SSH
  2. 2nd corner: Open to all men, 10 Walkers
  3. 3rd corner: Led by peers in rotating fashion: 10 Mountain Climbers
  4. 4th corner: Outdoors, rain or shine: 10 Hillbillys
  5. Center: Ends in COT: 10 burpees

Mosey to amphitheater thing by Sawtooth.

  • Spread out.
  • Mosey down to the concrete circle.
  • 5 dips
  • Mosey upstairs
  • 5 squats
  • Repeat-o adding 5 till you get to 20 (4X)

Mosey down to the (still new-ish) park on 4th near Trade.

Foxholes x5
(we learned from Maytag they also have a Spicoli, and his favorite exercise was the calf raise, so that is what they call them. So, we did that between the Foxholes)
Foxholes x10
Foxhole x15
Foxhole x20

Topics during this portion included dad bods, what…fluids…might be on the ground at the park, which pax are willing to admit a love of White Claw, and not getting unbalanced during the roll-overs.

Mosey down to the bus station. 10 alternating step-ups, 10 irkins.

Mosey back to Sawtooth. REPAT-O in reverse (20, 15, 10, 5)

Long way via the ramp to start.

Extended High Tempo Mary!

  • 10 count ab exercise called by random pax, assigned by the Q.
  • Mosey to the other end. Another 10 count from another random pax.
  • And we did this for 8 or 9 minutes, ending with our guest Maytag calling 25 mountain climbers in…and i can’t stress this enough…perfect cadence.

And done.

FNG: Can’t make out his name on the recording (Sorry!). But he sells electronics and “is a hockey player.” Beer league? Former pro? Nintendo Blades of Steel? We don’t truck in details here. Lots of great names thrown out; Slapshot just rose above. Welcome.


  • Solid Q options are available on Wednesday around the Dash Pax land. Maybe tag a dude and drop an HC?
  • Thursday: WIB at Reynolda Village, the best disused AO out there. VG is doing his crazy-ass 22 challenge on Thursday at TRQ.

Prayer Requests:

  • Lambchop’s cousin had her baby, born with dwarfism and in the NICU, but healthy.
  • Burns has a coworker who was involved in a bike accident and is recovering at home now.
  • TO’s brother and his wife got good news about a recently born baby.
  • Transcript put out a reminder on reaching out, joining a small group, going to an event, going to lunch bunch–get out there with the boys. Reach out to guys you have not seen in a while (yeah, tag a dude, but also text or call them!)


I’ll take a solid 12 at Flatline any day. Thank you to those who joined and those who did not; you were missed.  Good news is you can post as early as tomorrow now. Thanks for the keys, Chickflick; they fell out of my pocket during the Foxholes. We’ll look for them next week.

1 Comment

  • Frostbite
    August 20, 2024 5:25 pm

    Solid work, Wobegon! Great leader and great EH’ing! I think we are both better off with all the guys who posted this AM!

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