The Macy introduces itself to Debby

QIC: Van Gogh

Date: 08/08/2024

PAX: @RubberDucky, @Pollster (WB), @dr.toot (WD), @van.gogh (QIC)


Everyone should know by now that YHC loves tradition, and “The Craftsman” slowly became a WIB tradition for YHC to Q (not for PAX, but some have been known to avoid it) at the old Sears parking lot at Hanes Mall. Overtime, the parking lot has slowly gone down hill; with parked tractor trailers, lots of garbage, no lighting, rough asphalt, and construction fencing. So it was a sad realization that YHC would have to find a new spot to Q… allllll the way on the opposite side of the mall at the old Macy’s (now known as the Truliant Operations Center)! The format of the Craftsman was simple, and the Macy is mostly the same, only with one slight new twist – the “Y” loop:


  • Mission Statement / Core Principles!
  • SSH x 24 IC
  • Mosey to start loop

The Thang

  • “The Macy”
    • Run around the approximate ¼ loop stopping at each station for 8, 16, 24 reps. 
      • Station 1: Mike Tysons x 8 OYO
      • Station 2: American Hammers x 8 OYO
      • Station 3: Carolina Drydocks x 8 OYO
    • Repeat loop and stations 1-3 with 16 reps
    • Repeat loop and stations 1-3 with 24 reps.
    • Run the “Y lap” (pronounced “WWwHHHhYYYyyY!?”)
      • Station 1: Burpees x 8 OYO
      • Station 2: Burpees x 16 OYO
      • Station 3: Bear Crawl x 24 Parking spaces
    • Repeato
  • Return to start


  • No time!



  • Prayers for safety from the coming rain
  • Prayers for safe travel and safe weekend for Ragnar Runners



  • We completed 8 laps, which registered as 2.5 miles on YHCs Apple Watch, completing 96 Mike Tysons, 96 American Hammers, 96 Carolina Dry Docks, and 48 Burpees, along with Bear Crawling 48 spaces.
  • Somewhat inspired by the coming weekend for our Ragnar runners, YHC decided to stick to the plan and fully embrace the 3rd Core Principle. 
  • The decision to not meet in a parking deck was met with Disappointment by some and Excitement by others.
  • Posting in the rain can be a lot more fun when it’s expected and you plan ahea
  • When YHC first planned The Macy, it was before “The Debby” was on our radar. We incremented by 8s to reflect the date, up to 24 to reflect the year, at 3 stations with excersizes starting with M, A, and C.
  • The “twist” on the Craftsman format was the “Y lap” (pronounced “WWwHHHhYYYyyY!?”). Supposed to be an integrated nutpunch-esque lap that the PAX don’t look forward to doing, but are proud to have done that really difficult thing later.
  • We got through two entry 4-loop cycles, ending perfectly at 06:15:50 (still on time). Note: to save shoulder, for the second Y loop, the option of running to finish and doing 24 burpees instead of the long bear crawl. Rubber Ducky and Pollster chose this option. Dr. Toot and YHC went for a second bear crawl. 
  • This morning was an absolute blast. Of course Rubber Ducky was there, but relative new guy Pollster was there, and WIB’s resident War Daddy (and Site Q) Dr. Toot posted as well!!
  • This group made for a great dynamic, still small enough for great conversation, but big enough to push and encourage each other without it feeling awkward. Kidding, YHC never feels awkward.
  • Pollster saw the preblast map and said he just had to post – taking note to lure other future new guys…
  • Pollster is a self proclaimed runner, so YHC was happy to help him lose the Soccer arms. He did well through all the upper body, and was constantly pushing ahead, completely unaffected by the rain.
  • Dr. Toot called the weather nice, and we both agreed that if it was 33 degrees it would be the worst weather imaginable (just like YHCs first Red Line Q 8 years ago…)
  • Rubber Ducky was glad he was able to get home from a work trip early so he could post this morning. He was there with “Bells On”, and said even though he went to bed at Midnight, woke up and arrived 20 minutes early from the excitement of a MOIST beatdown.
  • YHC wore a swimsuit and water shoes with socks. Only thing missing was Goggles, but the hat did just fine blocking rain from the eyes. An old pair of shoes probably would have been better, but it was fun to try.
  • Burpees near the corner drain were easily in 2 inches of water, and rain ebbed between sprinkling to moderate with the occasional 15 mph gust of wind.
  • Overall, a fantastic morning. If you are sad to have missed it, “The Macy” will return…

1 Comment

  • Rubber Ducky
    August 8, 2024 8:36 pm

    Great Q -VG-
    Pollster is a beast. Glad to see him do some swimming with the Duck. Toot is an absolute battle axe. Very solid group. I halfway think the security guard wanted to join. We may have a new FNG

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