scrabble at distillery

QIC: crash

Date: 2024.07.18

PAX: bruin, drama queen, van gogh, michael bolton, crash

the theme this morning was scrabble, yhc has a scrabble set with letters with exercise on back.

happy to have these assembled hims, and the michael bolton referred to here was from down range, not the michael bolton of old from f3 winston salem.

the pax spell their name, no repeat letters, and we do each exercise followed by a lap around the parking lot, or, some block workout stuff.

the pax whose name we are doing, gets to choose the duration or number of exercises and the activity between exercises.

here for posterity are the scrabble letters and their exercises… these were constructed by yhc a couple years ago to associate the most common letters with the most common exercises…

from time to time have also had a letter with no exercise, that one the pax gets to choose…

  1. merkins
  2. Side straddle hop
  3. Bear crawl
  4. Hand release merkin
  5. World war 2
  6. Crab walk
  7. Shoulder tap plank
  8. Heels to heaven
  9. squats
  10. Inch worm
  11. Mountain climber
  12. Lunge walk
  13. Monkey humper
  14. Carolina dry dock
  15. Outlaw (big o with legs)
  16. Plank jacks
  17. Sumo squat
  18. burpees
  19. Sprint lap or slurpee – burpee with 2 merkins
  20. Flutter kick
  21. Freddie mercs
  22. Crunchy frog
  23. Lbc’s
  24. Murder bunnies
  25. Donkey kicks
  26. Low plank

yhc out


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