Table Olympics & yogayogayogayoga

QIC: Rudolph

Date: 9.24.2024

PAX: Blue Steel
Snow Globe

Time to live the HighLife!  First thought was to do the weightlifting, but giving it some thought I wanted to again bring something new to the premier afternoon Dash-Strong AO.  I doubt that any other group of men have performed a circle of yoga at Miller Park before, so we’ll get to that after we torture ourselves for a bit.  I had 3 (!) dropouts with just a few hours to go before my Q, you sorry dogs (well, one did so because he performed Iron Pax that morning, so certainly excused).  The others, I’m guessing, were rain-sissies.  At least that’s my story.

I get there with 5 minutes to go and no one is there.  Will Rudolph just run around a field for 45?  What a nightmare that would be.  Luckily, Blue Steel pulls in.  At the same time a sweaty Snow Globe introduces himself, he had run over from home and was hunting F3 (LESSON THERE – I had my F3 shirt on, this was his second time visiting an F3 exercise, there’s no way he would have known unless I had the shirt on…shirts and SHOVEL FLAGS need more representation!).  Anyways, UGA comes pulling in and we have another foursome like last week.  Since I knew rain was likely I planned on two parts, but we should warm-up:

SSH, Arm Circles, Chain breakers, Swimmers, Whirly with a clap, Quickmills, Lunge with a twist.  Let’s walk up to the picnic shelter while I explain.  I played the theme to the Olympics as we walked up the hill and said welcome to the TABLE OLYMPICS!  I designed this to work in case it was raining, but luckily it was just a muddy mess so far.  We had to progress through the 3 podiums:  Bronze, Silver, then Gold.  We performed each exercise directly after the next, with 10 seconds rest between the podiums.  Each podium got a bit harder, this was deceptively sucky:


  • 10 Burpees
  • 10 CDD’s
  • 30 second plank
  • 10 3-second squats
  • 15 decline merkins
  • 20 dips
  • 10 bulgarian split squats, each leg
  • 10 step up with knee ups, each leg
  • 10 diamond merkins
  • 10 jump squats


  • 15 Burpees
  • 15 CDD’s
  • 45 second plank
  • 15 3-second squats
  • 20 decline merkins
  • 25 dips
  • 12 bulgarian split squats
  • 12 step up with knee ups
  • 15 diamond merkins
  • 12 jump squats


  • 20 Burpees
  • 20 CDD’s
  • 60 second plank
  • 20 3-second squats
  • 25 decline merkins
  • 30 dips
  • 15 bulgarian split squats
  • 15 step up with knee ups
  • 20 diamond merkins
  • 15 jump squats

Congrats, you accomplished an amazing feat and now it’s time to cool down.  After a slight bit of meandering I decided to take us back to the parking lot to do the yoga.  Earlier in the week I posted a picture of Dhalsim in the preblast, the truth is my wife introduced me to yoga a long time ago and I love it, especially as a cool down.  I took us through a basic 10 minute routine, good to stretch and chill.  The rain started just as soon as we got going, and I thought to be cute by putting the old Street Fighter II Dhalsim music on, but it quickly rolled to a pretty hard core gangsta rap track that I had to Omaha off of.  We did one set of LBC’s, TIME.

Great work, not much chatter during the Silver and Gold phases 🙂

ANNOUNCEMENTS – see the general page for info on a great event from Subfloor, which is a community event to support the 26th Annual Buddy Walk on 10.12.24, helps to support the Downs Syndrome Association of Greater W-S.

PRAYERS – Influencer, Blue Steel, UGA family, all Pax, safe travel for Rudolph (see you jacklegs in two weeks)

MOLESKIN – you ever have those mixed feelings when you are the Q, you arrive and no one is there?  It’s equal parts exciting and sad.  Exciting in that you can either test your weinke or do something else stress free, but also depressing because you can’t workout with other guys and get #### done.  Lucky for me I had 3 others that toed the line.

Blue Steel – great work, thanks for supporting by calling out every exercise and DOING every exercise.  Helped UGA and Snow Globe I’m sure.

Snow Globe – good to meet you!  Thanks for having the uber-balls of jogging over and enjoying.  Never call me sir, sir.  Top flight effort.

UGA – I think he gets it now, fitness is just a by-product of fellowship.  Great push!

It ain’t about how much of a billybadass you are, it’s whether or not you commit to make the effort.  Always a pleasure, live the HIGHLIFE!
