Totally not made up on the spot beatdown bananza
QIC: Schlitz
Date: 10/11/24
PAX: Post hole, drip, schlitz, five dollar footlong, chick flick, spicoli, frank&beans, bagpipe, transcript, wobegone and a brand new FNG!! Now known as Lucky Charms due to his time in Ireland.
Beatdown was beautifully crafted with hours and hours spent planning. It went like this-
I told Posthole I didn’t have anything planned so he started the warmup with stretching and broga moves (he was also moving at a hella quick pace on the EV run) and stalled enough to where I could do some thinkin.
Got it!
Run towards the Nissan building and there’s spicoli turning in. So to stall we did squats and monkey humpers with the brown eye facing the late arrival. Once teamed up we kept running to the bridge where it was voted on that we crawl bear the entire thing. So we did! I’m not a monster so five burpees was allowed as a break mid bridge
after we split into two groups. One group stays at the end of the bridge and the other runs to where people can hook their bikes up. Group that stayed does low flutters and the others groups runs down the way for 20 Mike Tyson’s and run back for flutters. The other group does the same then again switches from flutters to world war 2s. This was boring ish so we ran back to Bailey park and bear crawled up the hill on the side walking doing merkins at every tree or lamp post. First tree was one merkin, 2nd was 2 and 3rd 3 and keep going up until we out of trees. Then back down doing same formula but with crab walk and mini dips. Launch and done
I want to pass the responsibility of UA site Q to someone else
Chick flick going to Mexico for a year
old and new wars
bagpipe is hilarious
Dont slack on F3 now that it’s getting colder.
Much love to all the homeys in F3 🍻