Anarchy in Parliament

Date: 11/12/24

PAX: Adobe, Subfloor, Schneider, Superfly, Tonka, Ziggy Stardust, Bevo (EC), Huckleberry (EC), Wahoo, Pony Express, Ludikrous, 60 Minutes, Burlap, Boomhauer, Greenspan

Fourteen pax joined the Q-Minister in Parliament today.  Ambiguity in the constitution (weinke) resulted in near-anarchy among the pax.  Fortunately, a solid musical playlist placated some of the rabble rousers.


Abes, Whirlies, Up/Down Dawgs, Flexy Stretchy, Cherry Pies

The Thang:

After retrieving blocks from the pile, the pax lined up in the parking lot.  In front of them lay 5 cones, spaced approximately 2 parking places apart.  Every four minutes on the minute (E4MOM), the pax would travel by method of Q’s instruction / weinke.

Round 1 – Rifle Carry to 5th cone

Round 2 – Farmer’s Carry to 4th cone (switch arms at the turn)

Round 3 – Lt. Dan’s to 3rd Cone

Round 4 – Broad Jumps to 2nd Cone

Round 5 – Block Push + Bear Crawl to 1st Cone

Round 6 – Broad Jumps to 2nd Cone

Round 7 – Lt. Dans to 3rd Cone

Round 8 – Farmer’s Carry to 4th Cone

Round 9 – Rigle Carry to 5th Cone

In between each travel round, pax were to accumulate 30 reps of the following exercises; if the horn sounded in the middle of your 30 reps, pax were to resume their count upon return from travel.

  • Romanian Dead Lifts (single-count)
  • Curls
  • Windshield Washers (double-count)
  • Block Swings
  • Side-to-Side Merkins (single-count)
  • Low Flutters (double-count)
  • Squats
  • Upright Rows
  • One-Armed Bent-Over Rows (single count, 15 each arm)
  • Side Bends (single-count, 15 each side
  • Thrusters
  • WW2s

Repeato as time allows.

Return the blocks and circle up for Mary:

  • Cobra Crunch
  • H2H with a Twist
  • Huck’s 3 Merkins



  • DQ has Q at High Life tonight.
  • Trickle has his V-Q tomorrow at Conspiracy.
  • Madoff has Q at Alcatraz.
  • Need 5 volunteers for Monday night’s service at Samaritan Ministries.

Prayer Requests:

  • 60 Minutes’ Mother-in-Law is having back surgery today.
  • 60 Minutes has a friend who helps out with youth at church. This friend’s father has cancer and mother has liver failure.

YHC took us out.


  • YHC tried to mix warmarama up a bit by beginning with AVs but forgot to end with SSHs. Surprisingly, no MC sprang fourth.  That would come later.
  • The first problem that was observed was there was only one weinke for 15 pax; thus, pax had to travel to the weinke or play the telephone game in order to know what the next exercise was.
  • The second problem was that some seemed not to understand that they were supposed to actually “count” their reps. It was almost as if the ghost of Thistle haunted the parking lot.
  • The third problem was the pax flew through the weinke, thus had to be instructed to return to the top and repeato. Beasts, all of them.
  • Tonka can cover a lot of ground quickly with his broad jumps.
  • Bevo was not challenged enough, so took the Romanian Deadlifts to the 11s by hinging while holding his block. Also, T-claps for his first run in a month in a half prior to the launch!
  • Windshield washers and side-bends had to be demoed for the pax. Guess it’s been a while for those exercises.
  • Burlap offered his complimentary “that was a sucky workout”. Mission accomplished.
  • In contrast, Ludikrous described the workout as “mid” and “slight”. I think that’s what the kids say when they aren’t satisfied.
  • Huck let out his evil genius laugh when called upon for the 3 merkins to close us out.
  • Adobe and YHC carried on a intermittent conversation about the playlist with extended talk about Drew Holcombe & the Neighbors. Paging Doublewide.
  • Subfloor scoffed at the distance on the block push, which was about 1/10th of the distance he required of pax at Iron Throne several weeks ago.
  • Wahoo breezed through today’s workout after his VQ yesterday at VI. It seemed like a good recovery day for him.
  • Ziggy had a big ole smile on his face after the workout. Always glad to be in his presence.
  • Good to see Boomhauer, Pony Express, Schneider, 60 Minutes, and Superfly.
  • There was significant MC about hernias. Not sure what that was about.

It was an honor to lead, Adobe.  I’ll send the keys back when I share the playlist.


1 Comment

  • Burlap
    November 13, 2024 10:31 am

    A sucky workout, but a good backblast.

    Actually, was a great workout structure for Parliament. No running but plenty of cardio, hit all the major body parts, allowed for some mumble chatter by those who refused to actually count but instead watched others to tell them when they have hit 30 reps, and added a couple exercises to promote core strength and balance (an issue for old people).

    Good job.

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