The Prize Fight

QIC: Adobe

Date: 10-30-24

PAX: Workbench, Subfloor, Wahoo, Zima, Rollback, Adobe ( Q )

With time running out on the “Month O Mike Tyson” and having the Q at Mayhem this week, what kind of silliness could I come up.?
Ohhh….I think I have something.
Let the boxing training begin.

** Oh wait, almost forgot to mention. The Playlist **
So, when I was looking for some music for the workout, I was thinking Boxing, Training….hmm Fighting. And then, I saw something really funny:
Inappropriately Upbeat Songs For a Violent Fight Scene:
I had to look. And after reviewing a couple of the songs, I did recall a few being in movie fight scenes. So I went with it.
BUTTTT, Spoiler Alert,,, After discussing during the beatdown the PAX were like “ I feel ripped off. I thought you were going to tell us what movie each song was from.” That’s fair. So I did a little post exercise research. Turns out that not ALL of these songs in the playlist were actually in a movie or show with a fight scene. Guess the person who created the list just starting thinking to themselves…” Yea, that would be a funny fight scene song…”
Sorry guys. Q Fail.. But I did keep my promise. Full list of songs played and movie – show references are at the bottom.


Mission Statement….5CP… Check

SSH, Whirly w. Clap, Abe Pagoda, Arm Swirlies F&B…
Enough of that; go grab a rock.


Okay….since we are “training” for the big fight, we were going to be doing some Boxer beatdowns.

Part 1: The Dream Match
( No rocks yet…just wait )

Pretty simple here. Every PAX does individual work.
At the starting line, do 5 Mike Tysons then run a suicide to the first parking lot line and back.
Repeat for each line in the parking lot.
5 Mike Tysons, run to 2nd line and back. 5 Mikes Tysons, run to the 3rd line and back…etc…
( Just and FYI, there are a CRAP TON of parking spots in the Mayhem parking lot ! )
** 105 Mike Tysons were completed. **

Part 2: Partner Work

Split into teams of 2.
Partner 1 does jump rope ( supplied by the Q 😉 ) while Partner 2 rifle carries the rock all the way to the end of the main parking lot. Once at the end of the lot, begin doing reps of the called exercise. (( I recommended breaking the reps up into sets of 25 )). Once P2 is done, rifle carry rock back to P1 and switch up.

( Didn’t make it anywhere near the end of all the exercises planned, but we put in some work! )
100 – H. and Release Merkins
100 – A. ir Squats
100 – L. unges
150 – L. ow Dollies

Quick trot to take the rocks back… TIME.
No time for Mary.


Zima crazy CSAUP coming up. Check Slack.

Prayers —
Prayers for Subfloors wife, having a procedure.
Prayers for kid stuck by a vehicle at the WCCC \ Boyscout in Pfafftown.

YHC took us out.



Inappropriately Upbeat Songs For a Violent Fight Scene:

Istanbul ( Not Constantinople ) – The Might Be Giants
* The Umbrella Academy

Mambo No. 5 – Lou Bega
* Iron Man 3

Greased Ligntnin’ – John Travolta
* Yep….Just Grease

Spice Up Your Life – Spice Girls
* Barbie

Y’all Life – Walker Hayes
* Nada—This would be an ironic one.

You’re the One That I Want – John Travolta
* Deadpool & Wolverine

Thunderstruck – AC/DC
* Deadpool 2

Geronimo – Sheppard
* Unfinished Business

24K Magic – Bruno Mars
* Hotel Transylvania 3

Love Shack – The B-52’s
* Frankie and Johnny

Sk8er Boi – Avril Lavigne
* Generation Kill ( HBO Series )