Tricky Treats By Mike and Tyson

QIC: Adobe

Date: 10-31-24

PAX: Crash, Sea-Man, 60 Minutes, Schneider, Sour Mash, Cruiser, Adobe ( Q )

Trick or Treat PAX !

I’ve done a Halloween Q or two before. Lots of fun.
I decided to recycle an oldie but a goodie this year.
Had to dust off my trusty ole Jack-O-Lantern and print some new wildcards, but I’m sure the PAX will love all the new tricks I had. And treats.
Also, since it was the last opportunity to get in Mike Tysons for the month, I made one new special set of tricks.
( Just in case you didn’t guess or didn’t want to read all the way to the end, it was a BIG OLE MESS of Mike Tysons. Crowd pleaser ! )


Usual suspects here….
Let us begin.


As stated earlier, this routine is a “pick your poison” kind of deal.
Jack-O-Lantern filled with a lot of cards with Exercise and Rep count on them, and different halloween candy ( see, told you there would be treats as well ).
PAX go around each taking a turn, pick a card and we do the exercise.

The trick part, I added an entire sheet ( 12 cards ) there were all Mike Tysons. I also added some by removing other exercises that we have done in past years. SEE cards below.

All in all, we ended doing 200 Mike Tysons along with a lot of other exercises as well. But it really seemed like we were doing mostly Mike Tysons. The groans really started mounting after the 8th or 9th Mike Tyson card was pulled. They just kept coming.. LOL.
It was great.



Announcements —
greeNest coming up the next couple of weekends. Check Slack.

Prayers —
None spoken.

YHC took us out.