QIC: Huckleberry

Date: 11/4/2024

PAX: Tonka, Greenspan, Frank and Beans, Ziggy, Crash, Turnover, Wahoo

8 Pax gathered on a beautiful Monday morning to start the week off with a Huckleberry Q.

0530 – Mission statement complete and onto warm o rama.

Warm o rama – SSH, IW (TO stopped us all to let us know that Imperial Walkers were just Freddy Merc’s standing up.  Interesting. ) Abe V (which with pax could not count correctly), Michael Phelps

Mosey (or Vertical Low Flutter) to the field.

The field was amazing – soft, well mowed, smooth, dry.  Also painted with lines for soccer.  YHC forgot his universally loved orange cones today so we had to use painted lines – I know, much more confusing than the cones.


One end of the field perform 8 WWII, 12 merkins, 16 squats.

Run to the other end of the field and perform 11 burpees

Repeato this with decreasing burpees by one on each trip

Pick up the 6 and move on to part 2 of the workout……wait…’s 610.  That’s what I get by forgetting cones but we covered 1.97 miles, performed 96 WWII’s, 144 merkins, 192 squats, and 66 burpees.

Wait….we still have five minutes left – MARY – Freddy Merc’s (or horizontal Imperial Walkers), Low flutter (or horizontal mosey), and ……….Hucks 3 merkins (total now to 147)



Ziggy has Parliament Q where he will be voting for everyone

Wahoo VQ at VI coming us soon!

Trickle VQ at conspiracy soon

Mens Breakfast tomorrow at River Oaks Community Church

Prayers – early pregnancy loss of child

YHC took us out


The surface for the workout was amazing.  So perfect – TO was going to be mad at the Q but felt the field made up for it.

All pax pushed it this morning and earned some points for November.

Cruiser…..thanks for the keys.  Always a pleasure to lead this group.

1 Comment

  • FrankandBeans
    November 4, 2024 5:34 pm

    The grass WAS nice, but HOW COULD YOU STOP WITHOUT GETTING US TO 2 MILES??????????

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