Boxing Day 2024 at TRQ

QIC: Green Acres

Date: 12-26-2024

PAX: Rollback, Superfly, Tonka (WB), the Singing Cowboy, Green Acres (WD, Q)

Pretty sure that Boxing Day involves boxes, not đŸ„Š, but went with a little of both in our celebration. Crispy cool morning as YHC slow moseyed the few hundred yards to Speas, then was spun around on the sidewalk by the vortex as The Singing Cowboy blew past on his EC run. Rollback was already stretching and limbering up, and we were joined by Superfly. I thought Rollback was joking when he said “Tonka’s gonna show up on crutches and make us all look bad” but it was for realsies. Tonka crutched his way from car to the circle and it was time to start.  I heard he had a stress fracture but like Tom Petty, he won’t back down. We warmed up with the usual: SSH (Tonk modified to merkins and I said you’re gonna regret that.), Abe V, Whirlies, arm circles, Y-flies, CH squats, 1 slow deep squat. Then we’re ready for Boxing!

First up is Box O’ Derkins. Awfulness invented by Huckleberry and named by YHC. Feet stay on top of the low brick wall around the planter in front of the school. Hands walk around, stopping for 10 derkins each side, to complete the box. Then 10 box jumps each. One needs a hammer to build a box, so 15 American hammers IC.  Repeated the jumps and hammers.
Then to traverse the parking lot, we did MMA:  Mike Tysons, merkins, and Abs for the first 3 traffic islands. 15, 15, then 20 WWII’s. Two more islands to go, so did 15 burpees at each one. Then around to the rocks.

Like Jacob Marley, the ghost of Christmas Past, carried chains, we carried rocks as the symbol of our past sins. (It made more sense in my head the night before 😄). We walked around the grass circle doing curls as we went for half the circle, then skull crushers for the second half. Repeat. Then on our six for 20 chest presses IC, then 20 lo flutter IC. Repeat. Then we put away our sins, I mean rocks. To the wall for 2 min wall sit, then 1 minute BTTW. Head back to start for Mary:  Mutton crunch, lo dolly, and 3 Huck merkins and Done!  YHC was worn out đŸ„” but the other 4 were having an easy time of it. Tonka did an amazing job with crutches!  Superfly quietly smashed this workout. Singing Cowboy and Rollback kept a low volume of MC going and made for a great morning with some great guys.
Announcements:  11 year anniversary convergence Jan 4 at IS, Hanes Park. Prayers for safe travels, aging parents and family, health and healing, and wisdom for good decisions were offered. Perfect start to the day for YHC. Thank you all my F3 friends for lifting me up on the regular. Wouldn’t want to go through life without you guys. Until next time. MERRY NEW YEAR!!!