Burnsy Claus Visits Again

QIC: Burns

Date: 12.13.24

PAX: Frostbite, Post Hole, Lamb Chop, Tami, Wobegon, $5 Footlong, Bevo, Frank & Beans, Drip, Spicoli, Burns

Who keeps letting this guy come back?

WoR – mobile to get warmer faster. SSH, Whirlies, Imperial Walkers, Toy Soldiers, and Michael Phelps all x12 ic. We made our way from launch up to the courtyard in front of the med school, and found a well-placed albeit limp weinke. The workout was 12 days of Christmas-style…start at 1, then do 2, 1, then do 3, 2, 1 etc. all the way through the “song.” YHC made sure to incorporate exercises that would fit the cadence of the song, too – a feat that did not go unnoticed by those in attendance. Go ahead, sing the 12th verse with the exercises below. You know you want to.

  1. Run down the hill (& back up)
  2. Squatty potties
  3. Deep* dips
  4. Lieutenant Dans
  5. Diamond Mikes
  6. Squats a-jumpin’
  7. Decline merkins
  8. Star jump burpees
  9. Russians twistin’
  10. Ups a-steppin’
  11. Calves a-raisin’
  12. Frogs a-crunchin’

Pax ended up covering about 1.75 miles and totaled 364 reps, including 40 burpees. Group leaders aka overachievers Lamb Chop and Spicoli got to a 13th day so they got 48 burpees. It was great meeting Tami, who just posted yesterday at TRQ for the first time. I feel like the TRQ guys might coulda put forth a little bit better effort on the naming front but clearly the 1st & 2nd Fs were enough to draw him out again! Frostbite & Post Hole tackled an EC run, which YHC missed due to leaving the weinke at home and realizing it halfway downtown. Drip, Spicoli, and $5 were all late – uncharacteristically so for 2/3 of them – but no burpee penalties were adjudicated. Everyone joined right in on the fun and didn’t miss a beat. Frank & Beans & Wobey were their usual steady selves, knocking out the reps with little fanfare or complaint (that I could hear). Bevo sprechen sie Deutsch (ein bisschen). Past iterations of this workout took place in the parking deck, but the clear weather and the presence of a hill meant we only swapped out the pullups on the train trestle for the bench exercises. Worthy change, IMO. Oh, also, Lamb Chop and I saw a shooting star!

Announcements – reach out to Spicoli (Urban Assault), Frank & Beans (Conspiracy), or the site Qs for your favorite AOs (link) and get on the Q calendar for 2025!

Prayers were requested for the Ogburn family, the Lawler family, and the Transcript family. YHC took us out with the utmost reverence and poise, as is tradition. Spicoli, the keys are stuffed in your stocking 😉


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