Christmas at Conspiracy

Date: 12.18.24

PAX: Death Valley, Tar Heel (EC), Zesty, Oscar Meyer (DR from Wake Forest), Palin (EC), Drip, Frank & Beans, Ludikrous, Spicoli, Frostbite (EC), Schlitz (EC), Greenspan

Perfect weather for December.  Cool enough to think you might need long sleeves, warm enough to know better and regret it 5 minutes in.  And, oh boy, did we get into it today.


SSHs, Abes, Whirlies, Cherry Pies

The Thang:

Mosey to playground; pax were instructed to find some wall or bench for box jumps.

  • 1 Box Jump + 5 Merkins. Repeato 9 times (total of 10 jumps, 50 merkins)

With our blood flowing, we moseyed east on Sunset, across Glade, and to the bottom of Forsyth for Sevens!  At the bottom of Forsyth, 1 Lt. Dan (Squat + Lunge + Lunge = 1); run up to West End for 6 Dive Bombers.  Run back down to Sunset.  Repeato adding 1 Lt. Dan and subtracting 1 Dive Bomber each round.

Mosey back to playground on West End.  Partner up.  Partner A performs supine pullups AMRAP; Partner B runs up Intimidator and back to relieve Partner A.  Flip Flop.  Repeato.

Mosey to circle at the top of the stairs for 5 minutes of Mary which consisted of H2H, Freddie Mercs, Cobra Crunches, and LBCs, all IC.



  • F3WS eleven-year anniversary will be 1/4/25 at Hanes Park, 0700! A “plethora of Qs and coffee” will greet those in attendance.
  • No Christmas convergence at Conspiracy next week.
  • Samaritan Ministries opportunities will continue in 2025; 3rd Monday of each month. Reach out to me or Drip if interested in serving.
  • Frank & Beans needs Qs for 2025.
  • Reminder of the emergency contact Google Sheet ( Please populate.

Prayer Requests:

  • Root Canal’s recovery.
  • Loneliness for people during holidays, particularly men. If you haven’t seen someone in a while, reach out to them and let them know that they are missed.
  • YHC took us out.


  • While Palin, Frostbite, Schlitz, and YHC gathered for a ~3 mile EC run, Tar Heel took off on his own, covering 20% more than us in the same amount of time.
  • YHC had done the box jump + merkin combo at a gym (yes, a gym but not #PF) recently and thought it would make a good “let’s be sure everyone is warm” routine. It worked.
  • Palin was quick to suspect that we might be headed for trouble, i.e. Forsyth, when we turned onto Sunset. Schlitz, on the other hand, had no idea where he was or that Forsyth, that mountain of a street, even existed.
  • Having Lt. Dans at the bottom of Forsyth was cruel, in retrospect.
  • It was great to have Oscar Meyer join us this morning from Wake Forest. Palin, of course, quickly was able to establish a connection as OM is originally from Wisconsin where Palin did his pharmacy residency.
  • Drip took our guest under his care on Forsyth. The two were observed casually chatting on their runs up the hill, not even phased by the incline.  Zima, Drip even kept the same grin on his face on Forsyth!
  • Death Valley and Tar Heel were racing up Forsyth. The two were clearly a step ahead of the rest of us.  YHC did see Tar Heel take a deep breath (once), so he is human.
  • Ludikrous and Zesty were perfectly content to quietly take care of business. I’m not sure either spoke during the workout, although Ludikrous and Frostbite were overhead discovering that they did NOT go to the same high school as previously understood.
  • Frank & Beans apparently did not like YHC’s choices this morning, ignoring YHC’s raised hand (think Hermione Granger-like) when the site-Q said he needed Qs for 2025.
  • Several commented that they did not appreciate circle of trust being at the top of the stairs instead of in the parking lot since it caused them to have to continue moving after the workout was officially over.
  • Spicoli was his usual good natured self, although he did comment that he preferred rain & burpees over fog & hills. It could have been worse; Wink made the Redline guys hit ALL the hills yesterday.  We just hit parts of 2 of them.
  • The mention of “plethora” during announcements triggered a Pavlovian response in Spicoli, conjuring up from the deep recesses of time (the 1980s) a memory of the movie Three Amigos. If you haven’t seen it, you should fix that during your holidays.

Thanks for coming, guys.  Hope you enjoyed the free of charge present today.  Thanks F&B for the keys.  You’ll have to go back up Forsyth to retrieve them.


  • Frostbite
    December 18, 2024 1:28 pm

    Good ole fashioned beatdown. Am I glad I was in attendance for the pain? No, not really. Am I better for it? Absolutely.
    Thanks for the push, always, Greeny

  • FrankandBeans
    December 18, 2024 2:14 pm

    I really try not to look a gift horse in the mouth.

    My favorite part of the beatdown was the peloton run…

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