How Can I Dance with my Partner if there is no Music?
QIC: Burlap
Date: 12 Dec 2024
PAX: Green Acres (WD), Wooly Bugger, THE Singing Cowboy, Argyle, Wobegon, Starfish, FNG Tami (WB, I think), Boomerang, and Burlap (QIC)
Nine brave PAX ventured out in 31 degree weather with a promise of no running, hoping that the Q would keep us warm and provide a solid playlist to distract and entertain us. The Q believes that only one of these occurred.
Moveable Warmorama
SSHs IC, then go to flag, IW IC, then go to 2nd island, 10 Burpees OYO, then lunge walk to 3rd island, Plankjacks IC, then walk to last island, Merkins IC, then walk to gate, Peter Parkers IC, then go to rock pile and choose a medium rock.
Partner up
P A bear crawl pushes rock CCW around circle while P B walks/jogs CW with rock. When meet, switch and repeat until the bear crawl is completely around circle once.
Gather circle for 15 Greg Louganis, 25 chest presses, 15 cardigans
Switch Partners
P A OH carry (John Cusack) rock CCW around circle while P B walks/jogs CW with rock. When meet, switch and repeat until the John Cusack is completely around circle twice.
Gather circle for 15 Bus Drivers, 25 curls, 15 skull crushers
Switch Partners
P A bear crawl pushes rock CW around circle while P B walks/jogs CCW with rock. When meet, switch and repeat until the bear crawl is completely around circle once.
Take rocks to wall and put in a pile at one end. Tight high plank line with feet against wall. Slide each rock under chest to next person until whole pile is moved. Break and slide back.
Then rock sit in a tight line and pass rocks one by one to other end. Break and pass back.
Return rocks
Walk/Mosey to entrance to parking lot
Bear crawl to first island; lunge walk to second; toy soldier to third; broad jump to next. Then walk to start/finish for
10 Fire hydrants each leg OYO
Box cutters each direction IC
Low Flutters IC
Mutton Crunches IC
- GreeNest this week and next. THE Singing Cowboy has stepped up to Q this weekend.
- Monday night, Dec 16, we serve at Samaritan Inn; we believe we have enough, but keep an eye out on slack.
- Prayers for aging family members, new babies, and Argyle as he searches for his next job.
- YHC took us out.
- YHC was tempted to recycle the recent cold Parliament workout — and Boomerang and YHC would have been the only repeat customers — but instead got inspired to do a rock heavy workout.
- FNG Tami (nee Luke Taylor) found us from a recommendation from his brother who does F3 in Austin (?), Texas. YHC gave at best a basic disclaimer to him along the lines of, “Don’t do anything that you don’t feel like doing, don’t get hurt, and here are the five core principles….” Tami worked hard and never complained throughout. He figured out a way to push his (too heavy) rock at a rapid pace during the bear crawl rock slide and smoked past YHC.
- Green Acres played the part of excellent site Q and looked after Tami throughout. His NC-shaped rock inspired Tami to get quite a large rock.
- Wooly Bugger was my partner for the first cycle and got the hard parts of the rock slide. He almost broke a sweat and never breathed heavily.
- THE Singing Cowboy and Wobegon got in a couple of miles before the workout and still brought the heat.
- Argyle got there in time to catch us on the third island and occasionally employed the old “Demonstrate” tactic to delay the Q.
- Speaking of “Demonstrate”, Boomerang was puzzled that there was no music during SSHs and that he didn’t see any nearby speakers. YHC believes that Boomerang enjoyed YHC’s tunes at Parliament so much that he was looking forward to my “getting jiggy with the beat” at TRQ and was thus disappointed.
- Starfish worked hard and pushed himself, as usual; he was normally the first to finish the OYO exercises.
- The call to switch partners caused some juvenile chatter among the pax resulting in advice to refrain from switching partners (with a capital P) in real life. And without music, the partner dancing was a bit awkward.
- Some of those guys used very heavy rocks, as everyone discovered during the rock sliding/passing portion against the wall.
- YHC calculates that at age 61, he was in the middle third of ages. That is, three pax were older (GA, Boomerang, and Argyle) representing the oldest third. YHC, Starfish, TSC were in the middle third; and Wobegon, WB, and Tami were in the youngest third.
- YHC remembered to allow the FNG to go last at Name-O-rama but forgot to include him in the actual circle of names!
- We didn’t ask too much of the FNG as we discovered his last name was Taylor, as in Coach Taylor in the “Friday Night Lights” series (which takes place in Texas — NOT a coincidence). When YHC asked the group for the name of Coach Taylor’s wife, Starfish and maybe one other correctly remembered “Tami”. About three seconds later, we welcomed the new FNG and christened him Tami.
As always, it’s an honor to build and execute a workout for you guys. Thanks for following along.
1 Comment
Green Acres
Well planned and executed workout! Thanks for leading Burlap! 👏
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