That Black Ice Is Not Dangerous If You Don’t Run, Right?
QIC: Burlap
Date: 03 Dec 2024
PAX: Tonka (WB), Adobe, Burlap (median), Ziggy, and Boomerang (WD)
We woke up just before 5 am to a beautiful world of a light snow dusting and brisk 23 degree temps. Wait, what is that stuff sticking to my windshield (as I am too cheap to afford a garage, so I park my car alfresco)??. Oh, I have to scrape my windshield, an almost annual event here in the moderate South. Well, I have a little cushion in my schedule so I should still arrive on time for my Q at Parliament. And the major roads like Silas Creek Pkwy and 421 seem in good shape. Wait! What are those flashing red and blue and white lights in the left lane of 421?!? Why I am getting in the far right lane — now the right shoulder — to drive by some emergency equipment in the middle of 421? And, why is that car on its side so all I can see is its undercarriage, muffler, and tailpipe? Oh, well, I dodged an icy patch, apparently, and still made it with a minute to spare.
Here is what we did to stay warm in the cold:
Warm up: Jump ropes IC
Merkins IC
Squats IC
Hillbillies IC
Mtn Climbers IC
Jump Squats OYO
Toy Soldiers IC
Go get a block and return to covered walk by parking lot
Pax takes turns as ‘timer’ by taking his block to the benches area and performing 5 step-ups each leg with block and returning. While timer is running, the rest of pax performs AMRAP:
- Merkins
- Alternating Lunges
- Plankjacks
- Low Flutters
- Mountain Climbers
- Squats
- Burpees
- Doublewide Merkins
- Freddie Mercury
- Skull Crusher with block
- Curtsy lunges
- Nolan Ryans, alternate as desired
- SSHs
- Curls
- Monkey Humpers
- American Hammers
- OH Press
- Jump Squats
- Low Dolleys
- Alternating Side Lunges
Standing Ring of Fire:
Hold block overhead and go around circle with 5 skull crushers each.
Hold block at 90 degree elbow and go around circle with 5 curls each.
Return blocks and back to lot for Mary.
Fire hydrants, five each leg
Box cutters IC
Dying Cockroaches IC
Heels to Heaven IC
COT: Party on Friday night. Prayers for Tonka’s family as they attend his Grandmother’s funeral; prayers and thanksgiving for Boomerang’s new granddaughter plus one on the way with the other son! Prayers for aging parents and all traveling on slick roads. YHC took us out.
- Not sure if it’s an F3 thing or just a guy thing, but all the drivers this morning made sure to leave at least one space between their car and the next car over.
- Tonka arrived safely but missed the odd beginning with Jump Ropes.
- Ziggy was not quite War Daddy, but stayed alive by not getting hurt when slipping on black ice while walking to the blocks. No harm, no foul.
- Adobe made sure that the other dudes went first to the Slippery Bench of Death (SBoD) and that it was safe before taking his turn there.
- Boomerang didn’t ask any questions to try to postpone the pain.
- All worked hard, at least while I was under the shelter; they probably goofed off when I was taking my block to the SBoD for step-ups.
- No blocks were harmed in the making of this beatdown.
Thanks for the opportunity to lead.