Urban Assault 12/27/2024
QIC: Post Hole
Date: 12/27/2024
PAX: Rubber Ducky, Van Gogh, Lucky Charms, Lamb Chop, Bagpipe(WB), Drip(WD), Wobegon, Frank & Beans, Zesty
Clear and cold. Pax assembled, Clock hit 5:30 and we were after it.
- Imperial Walkers
- Stretchy Stretchy’
Mosey around Baily Park and identified the four corners
At every corner we added and exercise and increased the exercise number by one.
- 1 Burpee
- 2 Low Plank Jack
- 3 Carolina Dry Docks
- 4 Hand Release Merkins
- 5 Rosalitas
- 6 Imperial Walkers
- 7 Squats
- 8 T-Rotations
- 9 Mountain Climbers
- 10 Alt. Shoulder Taps
- 11 Situps/WW2
- 12 Overhead Claps
So the end was 12 burpees, 24 Low plank Jacks, Etc.
Mosey to the coal pit for suicides
Exercsise plus two columns, adding an exercise and two columns for each round
- (5) merkins
- (10) Squats
- (15) Mountain Climbers
- (20) burpees – CROWD PLEASER
American Hammers, Penguin Crunches and Freddie Mercuries
11 Year Convergence at IS on 1/4/25
Prayer Requests
Bagpipe had a sudden loss of a friend
Wobegon has a brother-in-law with rotator cuff injury
Unspoken prayers – Lift them up
All PAX were at 110%. So good it made the scattered Q look extra scattered. Good working out with you gents! Honor to lead. Thanks for the keys Spicoli
Post Hole
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