4 Corners and Assaulting Urbanites with Cowboy Music
QIC: Adobe
Date: 1-17-25
PAX: Schlitz, Frostbite, Burns, Tammy, Spicoli, Adobe
“Hey, wait… Did Urban Assault switch the launch point on Friday’s”, is what I was thinking to myself as I pulled up this morning.
Not only did I, “have to catch the redeye all the way from East Mocksville” as Spicoli so eloquently put it, but I also hit EVERY SINGLE redlight in downtown Winston. I thought I was going to be late.
Anyway, I got out of the truck and walked over. I knew there were talks of an EC run, so I waited. Stretched. Watched a Security Guard watch me from across the street. Stretched a little more; still no one. 5:29am. “Dang, I drove all the way downtown”.
All of a sudden three runners blasted around the corner. It was Burns, Schlitz, and Frostbite. I wasn’t going to be alone after all. The clock hit 5:30 and from across the street, Burns shouts out, “What are we waiting on?”!
Let us begin…
Mission Statement… 5 CP.
SSH, Merkins, SSH, Merkins, Abe V’s, Whirly, Goof Balls ( had to demonstrate as I received the “What the heck” look from the PAX ).
With this being my first Q at UA, and since I had only posted to the AO a couple of times before, I decided to keep all the morning activities a little close to home. I also didn’t want to get lost and have to Uber back for COT. No worries.
Part 1:
4 Pain Corners ( all 4 intersections around Bailey Park ) with varying modes of transportation in between. 20 Reps at the corners.
Corner 1 – Hand Release Merkins – Broad Jump.
Corner 2 – Hillbillies – Sprint. ( Holy crap this is a long incline run…dumb )
Corner 3 – Mike Tysons – Bear Crawl ½, Lunge Walk ½.
Corner 4 – Squat Jumps – Sprint.
We did this twice. OUCH!
Part 2:
Partner up for a little Dora-ish routine with some “Urban” cowboy music to soothe the pain.
Partner 1 stays behind to do the exercises called. Partner 2 runs up the stairs to the mini stage, does 20 air squats and runs back. Flip flop. But upon the return to relieve P1, both PAX do 5 Burpees.
100 Nolan Ryans ( each side )
200 WWII’s
300 Apollo OhNo’s
We almost finished all the WWII’s, but I noticed the time and figured we could get in a couple minutes of:
LBFC ( Little Baby Flutter Crunch. Trying to start a trend with these. ), next Mary exercise was going to be Pickle Pounders, but that was TIME.
Announcements –
Lots of opportunities to serve. Samaritans dinner, GreeNest, Q Opportunities, Site Q spots available. Check Slack.
Prayers –
Prayers for Frostbites wife, HUGE test today.
Reach out to those guys you haven’t seen in a while.
No others spoken. YHC took us out.
Such a great AO and such a great group of men this morning.
I really need to get back down here more often.
Burns, Frostbite and Schlitz getting in the EC run. Studs. I felt a little bad having NOT HC’ed for the EC run, but that’s because I knew we were going to be running “a little” for the beatdown. Sorry guys.
It was great meeting Tammy this morning. He was making the beatdown look easy and doing it in style with his dope Indianapolis Colts hoodie with the throwback logo.
Spicoli was crushing it as always. Love talking music with this dude and Schlitz. And why in the world do we not have a ( Music \ Upcoming Concerts channel ) on Slack? This needs to be a thing.
All PAX stayed together this morning and pushed through. Pick Up the 6 \ Leave no man behind was on full display. Again, they didn’t want me to get lost….almost did on the first round of the workout. #SMH
Thank you for the opportunity this morning.
Thank you for the push.
#SYITG soon.
Adobe – OUT