Centuries, Part I

QIC: Zima

Date: 1/15/25

PAX: Superfly, Subfloor, Workbench, Rollback, Van Gogh, Zima



  • Do 100 reps of each exercise OYO.
  • When an exercise is finished, yell “Mayhem!”
  • On “Mayhem”, all PAX stop their current exercise and run up the hill and back down.
  • Resume the exercise from where it was paused.
  • After calling for “Mayhem”, move onto the next exercise.
  • Note: If within 10 reps of finishing when someone else calls “Mayhem”, that will count as your run too.


  1. SSHs with a Clap
  2. Whirlies with a Clap
  3. Hillbillies
  4. Burpees with a Clap
  5. Heels to Heaven
  6. Goblet Squats
  7. Box Cutters





  • The time wasters were built into the actual workout, so people can stop bitching about them.
  • The Q was a little ambitious with his planning … again.  But don’t fear.  There are a few other Zima beatdowns scheduled on the F3WS calendar so we’ll be able to finish up this list in the near future.
  • The PAX was not thrilled with 100 SSHs.  There was discontent with 100 Whirlies.  Annoyance with 100 Hillbillies.  Almost a full blown revolt with 100 Burpees.  Then the PAX realized the Q wasn’t listening and moved onto other complaints.
  • A couple of helpful modifications were made and will be implemented into future iterations.
  • Even Lamb Chop could not have finished the entire weinke.



  • DQQ at Alcatraz



  • Root Canal’s recovery.
  • Green Acres’s recovery
  • No more snow in Winston


Zima Out.

1 Comment

  • Spicoli
    January 19, 2025 10:30 pm

    Solid looking beatdown. Hope to make it to one of these series when next you Q 🤘🏻❤️

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