Colder than a Grave Digger’s Ass

QIC: Rubber Ducky

Date: 1.24.2025

PAX: Zesty, Tammy, Bagpipe, Drama Queen, Spicoli, Rubber Ducky

I was getting back from a jobsite in Western NC late yesterday and realized that I had the Q for UA today.  I had some ideas but needed to consult one of the old Red Woods (Zima).  He gave me an idea for some Tabata which seemed appropriate because @Bagpipe and the Duck have done more running this week than I think either of us is comfortable with.  That being said, strength work is on the table and good to warm the muscles in the 20 degree cold.   Got a text from Burns that he had to bail due to some gastrointestinal issues (green apple splatters).  Thats OK. – Burpee Penalty – Qty – 60 reps.  We have all been there.

Warm – O – Rama

SSH, Abe, Phelps, Whirly

Mosey to the Parking Deck for Warm

Tabata – 3 Rounds – 10 exercises – :45 on – 15: rest

  1. Merkins
  2. LBC’s
  3. Low Flutter
  4. Side Straddle Hops
  5. Squats
  6. Lunges – Alternating
  7. Burpees
  8. Foxholes
  9. Freddy Merks
  10. Mountain Climbers

Run to end of Deck and Back

Finish with Sally – Simple but not easy.

Mosey back to launch.


Site Q’s need PAX to sign up to lead workouts.  HOPE run 1.25.2025 (tomorrow) – come support a great cause.

COT – Prayers – Western NC, California, World Peace and that each of the PAX be a shining light for all to see.


Spicoli – Keys to the AO are by the table under the fountain.


Duck Out!


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