“Guess Who Wasn’t Born in Winston”, or Power Skipping Code Breaking

Date: 1.23.2025

PAX: Frostbite (EC), Argyle, D-Day, Tammi, Greenspan (EC & Q)


The usual:  SSHs, Abes, Whirlies, Standing Hammies, Cherry Pies


The Thang:

Mosey to planter islands for 7s.  Lo and behold there’s cardboard!  Flip the cardboard and find listed “Modes of Transport”.


  • Island 1: 6 Divebombers
  • Travel
  • Island 2: 1 Apollo Ono
  • Return Travel


Decrease DBs by 1, increase AOs by 1.  Modes of travel were:

  • Powerskipping
  • Bear Crawl
  • Lunge Walk
  • Karaoke
  • Broad Jump (or Bunny Hop)


Mosey to playset for round 2 of 7s.

  • 6 Pull-ups & 1 V-Up. Repeato pattern, no travel required.


Mosey back to parking lot for (modified) last round of 7s.

  • Island 1: 7 Hand-Release Merkins
  • Island 2: 7 LBCs
  • Island 3: 7 Squats
  • Back to Island 2: 7 LBCs


Repeato and decrease reps by 1 each round down to 1.





Prayer Requests:

  • Lamb Chop & M trying to add a 2.0 to their family.
  • Healing (& patience) for Root Canal and Greenacres.
  • YHC took us out with gratitude for the day, the men of F3, and our lives & opportunity to make a difference in others’ lives.


  • Frosty and YHC got in the 2-mile out and back at 0500 and determined you shouldn’t get back to launch with 10 minutes to spare when it’s 16 degrees out.
  • First song out of the boombox this morning was Magic by b.O.b and Rivers Cuomo. “Did you know he’s from Winston, I think?” said Frosty, referring to b.O.b.  YHC then had to educate him on who Rivers Cuomo is, a legend decidedly not from Winston.  Tangent, the last surviving member of The Band, Garth Hudson, died this week.  Treat yourself right and enjoy this portion of The Last Dance (not that Last Dance):  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dDbnwQlCek
  • First time meeting the emerging legend that is Tammy. He’s got a great broad jump and was putting in the work.
  • YHC thinks this is the first time I’ve Qed TRC and not upset Argyle! T-Claps to me!  Power skips are apparently the code breaker for keeping the pax moving and not getting too close to that “r” word.
  • The pax were not impressed that the number of the modes of transport did not equal the rounds needed for travel. YHC’s poor planning led to near-anarchy for about 100 feet.
  • D-Day educated the pax on the regional cultural distinctions of Canada as we prepare for the possibility of increasing the land area of the USA by 110%. YHC had been in a conference earlier in the week that was 60% Canadian (primarily Torontans) which was what prompted our political science lesson.  D-Day confessed to hating Alberta and all of America.


Thanks, Greenacres, for the keys.  Can’t wait to see you back out.

1 Comment

  • Green Acres
    January 23, 2025 3:10 pm

    Great job! Hate I missed pull-ups. Yes, glad to see Tami was there and killin it. 😊 Thanks for leading on this COLD morning and for healing prayers. See y’all soon I hope. 💙

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