High Life at St. Timothy’s

QIC: Greenspan

Date: 1.28.25

PAX: Frostbite, Hot Dish, Mutton, Zima (w/Weight Vest), Ludikrous, Greenspan


The usual:  SSHs, Abes, Whirlies, Standing Hammies, Cherry Pies (too much chitter chatter, let’s go)

The Thang:

YHC handed out a couple of running lights, Frost Bite had a couple extra as well.  We ran through the dark park to Bellview and continued down to Parkway.  Left on Parkway to St. Timothy’s Church.  Mosey down the hill to a big, well-lit parking lot.

  • First up, defensive back drills. 22 parking places, right to left.
  • Second, run forward one parking place, merkin x 1, run backwards to start. Run forward two parking places, merkins x 2, run backwards to start.  Continue until completion of all 22 parking places the Q is exhausted.
  • Third, defensive back drills, left to right.
  • Finally, the main event: Partner up for the WASH workout.  Partner A runs to top of the hill and back, partner B performs called exercise AMRAP.
    • Wide Merkins
    • American Hammers
    • Squats
    • Hip Thrusters, aka Glute Bridges aka Alabama Prom Dates

Short on time, we hustled back to launch for 3 minutes of Mary.



  • Bagpipe’s VQ is at WIB on Thursday. See Slack for location.
  • Impossible Situation is moving to a once-monthly format. The AO will convene the first Saturday of each month and any other time during a month that someone calls for a Saturday beatdown at Hanes Park.  The goal is to increase attendance and eventually get back on a monthly cadence.
  • Frost Bite has High Life Q next Tuesday. It’s a great AO.  You should join sometime if you can swing it with the family.
  • Reminder of the emergency contact Google Sheet (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1z8sBhHcMcyjutMGR_Nls4aPBcTQ8KgebiJw-9Wpzvc4/edit?gid=0#gid=0). Please populate.


Prayer Requests:

  • Lamb Chop & M trying to add a 2.0 to their family.
  • Healing (& patience) for Root Canal and Greenacres.
  • Gratefulness for Mutton’s leadership at IS for several years.
  • YHC took us out with gratitude for the day, the men of F3, and our lives & opportunity to make a difference in others’ lives.


  • YHC had been itching to expand the borders of the High Life AO to St. Timothy’s. YHC’s family spent a lot of time down there when the kids were younger as it has a great playground and a huge parking lot learning to ride your bike.  YHC anticipates his oldest 2.0 learning to drive in that parking lot in the next year.  Time flies.
  • Zima showed up for his second workout of the day with a 50 lb weight vest. He then proceeded to lead the charges throughout the workout.  He was only mildly annoyed (for Zima) that we warmed up our arms before taking off.
  • Frost Bite, however, was demonstrative that YHC was wasting his time. “So, we’re 10 minutes in and have….warmed up and run a long ways.  It’ll take us at least 10 minutes to get back.  What are we doing here, and when does the workout start?”  Frostbite was also curious where YHC’s 2.0, Bravo, was.  “Eating chili.”
  • Bravo did join us for a few minutes, riding down to the church on his electric scooter after finishing dinner and evaluating our merkin form; he couldn’t have been impressed with what he found, several grown men groaning on asphalt. He also gave us some verbal encouragement from the front porch as we moseyed in front of YHC’s abode on the way back to launch.
  • YHC gave up on the parking space merkins at #17. Zima, however, kept going and was irked that we didn’t complete the task.
  • Great to have Mutton out, but first time seeing him driving the SUV. Frost Bite informed YHC that he drives it frequently.
  • Hot Dish was a man, pushing himself on the parking space merkin portion and accelerating on the run back to launch.
  • Ludikrous made us old guys look silly, cruising through the workout. Not sure he broke a sweat.  Next time, he’s going to wear Zima’s vest.  Frost Bite was impressed by his wheels.

Thanks, Frosty, for the keys.  YHC left them in the parking lot at space #17.



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