III for VI

QIC: Superfly

Date: 13Jan2025

PAX: Cruiser, Zesty

Warmorama – 20 SSH, 15 Imp Walkers, 5 merkins, 10 Whirlies, 10 Swirlies, 10 Michael Phelps, 5 merkins, 20 SSH

Thang 1 – partner Dora. With 3 PAX we rotated each exercise for the 2/1 working/running. 100 merkins, 200 WWII sit-ups, 300 squats.

FrostBite introduced us to Starfish’s special guests last week at TRQ.  Some were so special they got invited back for VI.

Thang 2 – Jack Webb: Merkins followed by Jack Reachers (1,4; 2,8; 3,12;  4,16; 5,20; 6,24; 7,28; 8,32; 9,36; 10,40)

Thang 3 – Jack Kervorkian: Partner 1 is the timer with SSH’s while Partner 2 does AMRAP of the exercise. With our odd number, again we rotated the 2/1 split for SSH/exercise.

Round 1 Squats, 25 SSH

Round 2 Alabama Prom Dates, 50 SSH

Round 3  Monkey Humpers, 75 SSH

Round 4 Burpees, 100 (Omaha’ed to 80) SSH

Thang 4 – Lt. Dan: Squats followed by Lunges (1,4; 2,8; 3,12; 4;16; 5,20)

And TIME. No time for Mary.

YHC took us out.

Great way to start the day and week!