Sharing Burdens at #UrbanAssault

QIC: Frostbite

Date: 01/03/2025

PAX: @Frank&Beans (WD), @$5 Footlong (EC), @Van Gogh, @Lucky Charms, @Lamb Chop, @Inspector Gadget, @Schlitz (EC), @Frostbite (WB, EC, YHC)

My first Q of 2025 happened to be at one of the all time great #AOs and a personal favorite of mine. After a little bit of a respite over the holiday for all #PAX, YHC wanted to ensure a proper beatdown while also having underlying theme to the workout.

YHC & Schlitz got a slow mosey in together beforehand, while @$5 got in some extra work as well.

Here is how our morning went down:


SSH – 10 x IC

IST – 10 x IC

Copperhead Squats – 10 x IC

Whirleys – 10 x IC

Abe Vigoda – 6 x IC

Arm Swirlies – 10 x IC (F/R)

Let’s get this thang going!

The Thang:

YHC had brought 2 ,35 lb coupons to the beatdown. YHC split the groups into 2 groups of 4.  2 coupons 2 groups. 1 coupons per group. This coupon hence forward was named the group’s “burden.” The #PAX were instructed to not let the burden touch the ground throughout the workout and to pass the burden when one needed a rest. #ISI

We moseyed on over to the Coal Pit for the first rotation

The Thang 1: 4 Man Grinders

Partner 1 stay and do exercise while the 3 left and moseyed to other side. Partners 2 & 3 retreated back while Partner 4 stayed at opposite end and did called exercise.

The Burden was to be alternated by the partners running the lengths.

Exercises were:

Plank Jacks x HR Merkins

WW2s x Dips

All #PAX completed each of the exercises before moving onto the next set.

Once this was completed, we moseyed onto the parking deck — again relieving one another of  burdens as we went along.

The Thang 2: Parking Lot Bear Crawls

#PAX were instructed to bear crawl up a level. If a #PAX had a burden, they were to lunge walk. When #PAX needed a rest from either lunge walking or bear crawling, #PAX were to flapjack, again sharing the burden.

10 Wojo Squats were completed at top of level.

Repeato x 3

Mosey on back to launch – once again relieving one another’s burden as you went along.

The Thang 3: All Together

10 Burpees x 10 LT Dans x 10 seconds of plank (#PAX were to count to 10 and pass it along clockwise as timer, so 80ish seconds of plank)

Run a lap around Bailey Park with burden.

5 Burpees x 5 LT Dans X 10 seconds of plank


Low Flutter

Mutton Crunch L/R

Low Dolley

American Hammers

Box Cutters



10 seconds of plank



The underlying theme today was that you are not alone with your “burdens.” Be bold. Be vulnerable. Lean into one another and let the guy next to you help you and support you.

I wish I could take credit for this idea, but F3GSO did a similar situation/beatdown during their 10 year anniversary. Loved the message behind it.

@VG and family (M & Aunt) dealing with different medical diagnosis. M with a tooth procedure and Aunt diagnosed with breast cancer

@Schlitz and M strengthening their relationship

@$5 and family going through it right now.  Thank you for letting us in.


@VanGogh was out front all morning on the bear crawls and crawl beared to relieve #PAX of their burdens. He also is giving up french fries instead of doing dry January.

@Lambchop was wondering why there was coupons at a bootcamp workout claiming they were not allowed. He was wondering where his Burpee Monthly Challenge Medal is. He was also wondering what else he can win this year.

Great to see @Inspector Gadget out again after a little holiday hiatus. Dude is still strong and ran laps around us. May need to check on his hands as he was not wearing any gloves…

@Lucky Charms has been hitting the ground running hard so far in 2025. #Beast! He also complimented (?) me by saying I look like Rory McIlroy. His brother also went to high school with Rory. This is not the first time this doppelganger has been pronounced. I will take it!

@Frank & Beans was the War Daddy for the first time ever. He also just celebrated 1 year of F3. We are all better for it. Thanks for the push today!

@Schlitz was spry as ever after getting a massage earlier in the week, and that is all that I will say about that…

@$5 was getting after it getting in some extra coupon work during #Mary! Killed it today, man!

Not knowing how many guys would show up this AM, YHC requested an extra coupon from @Greenspan (after guilting him to come to the workout in the first place). He graciously packed it. I woke up to a text at 0425 from him saying his dog was sick and would not be able to make it. I peaked outside and he was out there putting the extra coupon by my car. That’s a good dude. Thank you, sir!

@Spicoli has 45 burpees to do. You can probably guess why.


F3WS turns 11! See deets here ! We hope you can join us!

YHC has Q at #VI on Monday and F&B has Q at #Conspiracy next week!

All the love,




1 Comment

  • Spicoli
    January 3, 2025 10:18 pm

    Really aggravated with myself for missing the workout. Total fartsack. Thank you for your leadership. I love the workout format. Gso had it right so I’m glad it’s been brought to Dash City.

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