Back To The Future

QIC: Starfish

Date: 2/22/2025

PAX: Drama Queen, The Pony Express, Superfly, Frostbite, Lemming, Burlap, Boomerang, Bluto, The Singing Cowboy, Closer, Argyle, Lamb Chop, Hot Dish aka Cod Fish, D-Day, Green Acres (WD), Goofy, Wobegon, Bloodsport (WB), Interference (COT only), Starfish (QIC)

While dopamine hunting and scrolling one day a couple of weeks ago, YHC saw that Marty McFly and Doc Brown in Back To The Future time traveled from 1985 back to 1955 and that that would be like us going back 30 years to 1995(!?!?!).  After picking up his jaw from the floor, YHC also recalled that 1995 was quite the bangin’ year for music and also realized that he had an upcoming Q at Purgatory.  And so, a loose theme was hatched and a plan was sketched out.  Eventually, 18 other pax showed up in frigid 19 degree weather to see what the fuss was all about.  And it went something like this:


  • 11 Running with Scissors (IC)
  • 05 Abe Vigoda (IC)
  • 19 Imperial Walkers (IC)
  • 55 Arm–O-Rama (11 Arm Swirly Things Forward (IC) + 11 Arm Swirly Things Reverse (IC) + 11 Seal Claps (IC) + 11 Overhead Claps (IC) + 11 Moroccan Night Clubs (IC))
  • [November 5, 1955 was the date to which Marty McFly and Doc Brown traveled]
  • 10 Copperhead Squats (IC)
  • 04 Copperhead Merkins (IC)
  • [10:04pm was the hour at which lightning strikes the clock tower in Back to the Future, transporting Marty McFly through time (and also happens to be the title of an outstanding book by Ben Lerner, but YHC digresses]
  • 30 SSH (IC) (Now that @Lemming joined in, but somehow @Argyle kept his streak of missing SSHs alive…)
  • [30 years was the amount of time that Marty McFly and Doc Brown traveled (1985 to 1955)]

Mosey to the valley of Hill Valley aka the bottom of the entrance hill. [Hill Valley was the name of the town that the McFlys (or is it McFlies?) lived in]

The Thang, Part One:  Marty McFly Elevens

  • Run to the top of Hill Valley
  • 10 Mountain Climbers OYO
  • Run to the bottom of Hill Valley
  • 1 Merkin OYO
  • Run to the top of Hill Valley
  • 9 Mountain Climbers OYO
  • Run to the bottom of Hill Valley
  • 2 Merkins OYO
  • Run to the top of Hill Valley
  • 8 Mountain Climbers OYO
  • Run to the bottom of Hill Valley
  • 3 Merkins OYO
  • Run to the top of Hill Valley
  • 7 Mountain Climbers OYO
  • Run to the bottom of Hill Valley
  • 4 Merkins OYO
  • Run to the top of Hill Valley
  • 6 Mountain Climbers OYO
  • Run to the bottom of Hill Valley
  • 5 Merkins OYO
  • Run to the top of Hill Valley
  • 5 Mountain Climbers OYO
  • Run to the bottom of Hill Valley
  • 6 Merkins OYO
  • Run to the top of Hill Valley
  • 4 Mountain Climbers OYO
  • Run to the bottom of Hill Valley
  • 7 Merkins OYO
  • Run to the top of Hill Valley
  • 3 Mountain Climbers OYO
  • Run to the bottom of Hill Valley
  • 8 Merkins OYO
  • Run to the top of Hill Valley
  • 2 Mountain Climbers OYO
  • Run to the bottom of Hill Valley
  • 9 Merkins OYO
  • Run to the top of Hill Valley
  • 1 Mountain Climber OYO
  • Run to the bottom of Hill Valley
  • 10 Merkins OYO
  • Plank-o-Rama for the six

Mosey to Enchantment Under The Sea aka the Lido Deck [Enchantment Under The Sea was the name of the high school dance at which Marty McFly joined the band to introduce them to Johnny B. Goode]

The Thang Part Two:  Doc Brown 3-Man Grinders

Triple up with two other pax.  Pax 1 stays and performs AMRAP of called “D” exercise on the Lido Deck.  Pax 2 and 3 run to other end of the lower parking lot horseshoe.  Pax 2 stays and performs AMRAP of called “B” exercise there.  Pax 3 returns to Lido Deck and relieves Pax 1…Pax 3 runs and relieves Pax 2…Pax 2 runs and relieves Pax 1.  And so forth and so on until all pax have completed 2 cycles of each exercise in each round.

Round 1:  Dips and Burpees (#crowdpleaser)

Round 2:  Derkins (#crowdpleaser) and Box Cutters

Mosey to the Flux Capacitor aka the circle drive in front of the Rec Center.  [Flux Capacitor is what enabled the time travel assuming the DeLorean hit 88 miles per hour]

The Thang Part Three:  William Still Dixon [born in 1995] Flux Capacitor

In the triangle formed by the point where the sidewalk meets the curb (W station), the point at the other end of the circle drive (S station), and the point in the parking lot parallel to the first point (D station), pax perform 11 reps of the called exercise and then run to the next point.  Repeat 4 full cycles to hit 88 reps of each letter in total.

  • Wide Merkins x11 x4 = 44
  • Squats x11 x4 = 44
  • Dying Cockroach x11 X4 = 44
  • WWIIs x11 x4 = 44
  • Side Lunges x11 x4 = 44
  • Diamond Merkins x11 x4 = 44
  • W total = 88
  • S total = 88
  • D total = 88


  • LBCs x15 IC
  • Low Dolly x15 IC

Mosey back up Hill Valley to VSF.

COT/BOM:  YHC took us out



@Superfly was kind enough to bring hand warmers for all pax.  Which was particularly helpful due to it being 19 degrees out.  Fortunately @PonyExpress thought it was 20 degrees or else he may not have posted (#Threshold).

@Bloodsport was looking for cowboys and indians but that doesn’t happen until Back To The Future Part III.

@Wobegon did an excellent job with #NameThatBand.  Except for Pulp which YHC thought would be a stumper.  (@Lemming correctly guessed that one and @Closer correctly named the song).  @NantanEmeritus was less successful with Wilco which was actually quite shocking given that he is a fan of Jeff Tweedy and the boys.  But not a fan of their first album, A.M..  He rebounded and correctly named Son Volt on the next tune in the playlist.  (Uncle Tupelo fractured into Wilco and Son Volt….#AltCountryHistory).  [@Wobegon’s homework is to listen to Wilco’s entire discography today.  (Well, maybe not the 9-disc special edition release of “A Ghost Is Born”.]  @Frostbite aka YHC’s 2.3, then followed with correctly naming the Old 97s.  #RaisedHimRight

Speaking of @Frostbite, he outed YHC for poor parenting by claiming that he had never seen Back To The Future.  #ParentingFail #MaybeDidntRaiseHimRightAfterAll.  We added asking for forgiveness for poor parenting to the list of prayer requests.  #AndHonoringYourFather.

@Goofy was not happy with the amount of running.  Nor was @GreenAcres.  #Cobains.

@HotDish will always be @CodFish to YHC.

@Bluto correctly named Hum.  #MostUnderratedBandOfThe1990s.  @Wobegon got that one right too.

@TheSingingCowboy was seen sprinting through portions of the workout.  #StrongWork #NoHamstringsPulled

@Closer, @D-Day and @GreenAcres all RIRO-ed/WIRO-ed

@Boomerang thinks fixing America’s health care system should be pretty easy.  #BoomerangForPresident2028.  He would bring youthful vigor back to the office.

@Burlap continues to be tight-lipped surrounding details of the First Pres PNC.  See if you can get him to break.

Fellow #Tarheel @DramaQueen has put his name in the hat to succeed Hubert.  He would bring seasoned experience back to the office.

@LambChop shared an awesome praise during COT:  the pregnancy is viable!  Praise and prayer for next steps were lifted.

YHC appreciates @GreenAcres’ and @Superfly’s concern over the nasty blown out blood vessel in YHC’s right eye.  It didn’t rupture today but YHC is blaming @Lace from this week’s #BellsNWhistles workout where we lifted weights with no break for 45 straight minutes (#TruthNugget)

Here’ the playlist (all from 1995 aka 30 YEARS AGO!):


  • Fake Plastic Trees (Radiohead)
  • Wonderwall (Oasis)

Main Event:

  • Good (Better Than Ezra)
  • Lump (The Presidents Of The United States Of America)
  • Only Happy When It Rains (Garbage)
  • Hand in My Pocket (Alanis Morissette)
  • Bullet With Butterfly Wings (The Smashing Pumpkins)
  • Common People (Pulp)
  • Name (The Goo Goo Dolls)
  • Santa Monica (Everclear)
  • Brain Stew (Green Day)
  • I Alone (Live)
  • Spiderwebs (No Doubt)
  • Big Me (Foo Fighters)
  • Stars (Hum)
  • Box Full Of Letters (Wilco)
  • Drown (Son Volt)
  • Doreen (Old 97s)
  • Grounded (Pavement)


  • Blue (The Jayhawks)

Sound off in the comments with anything YHC might have missed.

Thanks for the honor and privilege of leading this morning.  And #Tclaps for indulging YHC’s music and movie nerdiness.  Hope you found something to enjoy.

Your friend,



  • Goofy
    February 22, 2025 8:05 pm

    Strong tunes and workout. The running was tolerable, but the company was excellent. YHC didn’t pick up on the letters and theme’s of each routine, including WSD. #Respect

  • Green Acres
    February 22, 2025 9:50 pm

    Yet another great Starfish beatdown! Total body workout, good tunes from the year YHC turned 40, and cool theme and nod to 2.3 WSD. 👏💪💙

  • DQ Drama Queen
    February 23, 2025 10:15 am

    For the record YHC is still #teamhubert. While I wasn’t in all coffeeteria conversations it sounded like Wake fans are in their late season Eeyore phase. Take us all back to 1995 ACC

    • Goofy
      February 23, 2025 11:07 am

      Aye. Take us back to ACC as it used to be. Great memories. The best.

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