Conspiracy 19Feb2025

QIC: Superfly

Date: 19Feb2025

PAX: Superfly

For a minute it looked like it was just Palin and YHC. Then Schlitz and Greenspan came running down Sunset Dr, but they just kept running. Schlitz obviously had an important goal to meet. Zesty showed up. Schlitz and Greenspan circled back, so we had 5 for Warmorama. Then we moseyed to the field for

Thang 1 – 4 corners:

Corner 1 20x hand release merkins, reverse bear crawl to

Corner 2 20x jump squats, bear crawl to

Spicoli materialized out of thin air about here, so our number of 6 for the beatdown was complete.

Corner 3 20x Mike Tysons, reverse lunge walk to

Corner 4 20x Toy soldiers, lunge walk back to Corner 1

Then it was mosey to the bottom of the intimidator for

Thang 2 – partner dora:

100 merkins

200 squats

300 LBC’s

Partner 1 works, Partner 2 runs to the 1st stop sign and back

After that, a short walk down to the benches for

Thang 3 – 7 layers of dips:

Dips x7, irkins x7

Dips x7, R leg step ups x7

Dips x7, merkins x7 (did I miss calling this one?)

Dips x7, L leg step ups x7

Dips x7, OH claps x7

Dips x7, squatty potties x7

Dips x7, derkins x7

Then back to start.

1 minute of plank, and TIME!

Announcements – watch slack about F3 beers tomorrow night (weather permitting).

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