Iron Throne Birthday Beatdown

QIC: Lamb Chop

Date: 2/13/25

PAX: Bag Pipe, Rubber Ducky, Lamb Chop

A reminder text Sunday afternoon got my juices flowing to see what I could come up with for my 34th birthday beat down.


20 SSH, 15 Imperial Walker, 10 Whirly, 6 Abe Vigoda, some arm stuff

The Thang

Mosey all the way around to the blocks for 10 rounds of the following with blocks for each one:

Overhead press, squats, WWII, curls, lunges, American hammers, bicep curls to overhead press, side squats, freddy mercurys, 5 burpees.

Do 5 reps of each, then mosey to the end of the parking lot and back, and add 5 to each set, but keep burpees at 5.

We made it up to 25 and then did a final set of 5 and then mosied all the way back around to start to finish.


We stayed dry under the awning. Ducky and BP were great partners the whole time and we stuck together and enjoyed the company.

Keys are attached to the lithium ion cable thing Duck.

Lamb Chop

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