Leaky Faucet and a Drip, Drip, Drip (Part 2)

QIC: Drip

Date: 1/29/25

PAX: Frostbite, Bagpipe, FrankandBeans, Zesty, Schlitz, Palin, Drip


3 Burpees EMOM

Mosey to the Pocket Park on the other side of Hanes Park

100 Mt Clumbers, 50 Jump Squats, 25 merkins, 100 Plank Jacks, 50 Iron Mikes, 25 DiveBombers, 100 Peter Parkers, 50 WWIIs, 25 Mike Tysons

Mosey Back.

Have you heard this one? A man of the cloth, a shrink,  a money lender, a beermonger, a pill roller, a drug pusher, and a tobacconist  all walked into a park together.  The entire area was  soon surrounded with SWAT team members and we are pretty sure a Apache helicopter flew over head. We were never asked to give a statement or anything.   I guess we weren’t running fast enough to look guilty.

1 Comment

  • FrankandBeans
    February 3, 2025 4:25 pm

    Really thought they were going to come after Zesty…shifty eyes and all that.

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