My descent into Mayhem
QIC: Rollback
Date: 2/26/25
PAX: Van Gogh, Subfloor, Drama Queen, Workbench, Cruiser, Adobe, Blind Date, Wahoo, Frostbite (WB), Dr. Toot (WD), and Rollback (Q)
Today is the day! Workbench finally retires from Q duties! Had to make it a special Mayhem Q, and I’m still trying to make up some burpee numbers since February’s flu and marathon brought missed days – it went something like this:
First F
- SSH – 20 IC
- Imperial Storm Trooper – 20 IC
- Arm swirly things forwards/backwards – 12 ea (had to get 11)
- Michael Phelps – 12 IC
- Whirlies (w/ clap) – 12 IC
- Abe Vigoda – 6
The Thang
4 stations, rotate through as a group
- Station 1: Playground
- 15 derkins
- 15 irkins
- 15 dips
- 20 step ups (SC)
- 10 burpees
- mosey to station 2
- Station 2: Main parking lot loop
- Side 1: 5 rollback burpees
- Run/Sprint/shuffle/waddle/mosey/hop/otherwise get to other side
- Side 2: 10 lateral lunges (DC)
- Run/Sprint/shuffle/waddle/mosey/hop/otherwise get to other side
- Side 1: 5 rollback burpees
- Run/Sprint/shuffle/waddle/mosey/hop/otherwise get to other side
- Side 2: 10 lateral lunges (DC)
- mosey to station 3
- Station 3: EV charging station (with coupons/rocks)
- 15 OH press (OH stands both for Ohio and overhead)
- 15 curls (…for the girls)
- 15 bent over rows
- 15 coupon squats
- 10 blockees
- Mosey to station 4
- Station 4 (with rocks; handicap parking area – for obvious reasons)
- Bear crawl rock push from lined area to the end
- 10 Rockees
- Murder bunny back
- 10 rapid side step overs (DC)
- Mosey back to station 1
- Got 2 loops in
- standard menu options – except Adobe made up some sort of crazy nonsense
Third F
Prayer Requests:
- FrankandBeans – recent medical diagnosis
- Q School March 29 before Purgatory (see Turnover for deets) – learn the basics about Q-ing (some of us clearly skipped this…)
- Decade name change proposed: 50s – Respect, 60s – Honor, 70s – LEGENDARY (prev, respect, respect-respect, etc.)
- Warmly received – unclear whether Turnover is still on the fence from last time it was announce at Mayhem
- Impossible Situation is ON this week
- DQ as Distillery – Birthday work out
- Bagpipe on Q at Alcatraz
- Subfloor Birthday Beatdown Mayhem 3/5
- Blind Date VQ at Distillery 3/6
- Rollback takes site Q at Mayhem TODAY
Second F
- YHC warned people about the burpees – they still came out. That’s impressive. We varied the type of burpees – all were appreciative of the Rollback burpee in particular. Some PAX (Frosty) did not believe the RBB wouldn’t be as popular as the Mutton crunch. He’s probably right, but they’ll keep popping up when they’re least wanted (like a few viruses we know of…). In case you were wondering – Nobody joined for the pre-burpee.
- DQ and Dr. Toot may be some of the most honorable members of the DashPAX (and by that, YHC is calling them old), but they still go out and crush it like few other 64 year olds could. YHC can only hope I’m blessed to be like them one day. Strong work, gents
- VG read the pre blast, and brought a coupon, but decided he needed a little more weight – so got a mammoth rock so someone else could redeem his coupon. Arguably one of the tallest of the PAX, YHC was surprised he didn’t choose the tallest level of the playground balance beam. Might still be recovering from his decline Carolina dry dock nonsense. Also, YHC thinks his 2.0 joined an afterschool running program to hang out with my 2.0 (future FiA member, Cheetah). YHC’ll need to know his 2.0’s intentions in the near future.
- Not to be outdone by VG, Cruiser pulled out the 50lb sandbag and proceeded to destroy Station 3. Is a burpee with a sandbag a Sandee?
- My M was kind enough to paint a coupon with a Walmart symbol on it for YHC – Subfloor apparently wanted to test it out. There was some mention about a stat about smart people being lazy – YHC was too lazy to remember it, and he didn’t bother to say the whole thing.
- Site Q Emeritus Workbench was spotted gliding through exercises with enough juice to show off his standing high jump ups. YHC thinks he could’ve done the lateral jump overs on the balance beam no problem.
- Despite only recently joining, Blind Date has jumped in fully. He has a VQ coming up soon @ Distillery, and is a very hard worker. Looking forward to further work outs with him.
- It was a pleasure seeing Adobe; YHC doesn’t get to see him too often, but there were some exchanged promises of Qing each other’s AO. He definitely gets the raw end of that deal (and so does Parliament, [evil laugh]).
- Wahoo is another PAX YHC doesn’t cross paths with a lot – appreciate him coming out to support. Much like the first time we met at BBBC – when he claimed he needed to turn around due to being slower then YHC (yet ran with such speed YHC couldn’t spot him anywhere until we finished) – he seemed to make light of the work out.
- All-in-all, it was a great morning, with great men, and a great work out.
I was first approached by Workbench about taking over Mayhem Site Q responsibilities back in the Fall. I’ve shied away from leadership responsibilities in the past due to previous hurts, but I told him I would take it into consideration. After speaking with some trusted (yet sometimes questionable) counsel, I decided to accept. At the time, I was in the throws of marathon training, so promised to take over starting at the end of February. Admittedly, I’m very thankful to have agreed. It’s helped me to embrace F3 more, and has actually led to more friendships being built. So many men wander through life alone – they study alone in school, work alone, work-out alone, and do hobbies alone. It’s taken time for me to realize – while aloneness has its time and place – we are NOT islands. Man was not made to be alone. We’re meant to partner-up, and tackle life – with our spouses (if married), with our friends, our family, our co-workers. So I challenge you all – how can you step off of the island, and into the MAYHEM. How can you embrace real manhood, pick up the mantle, and make a difference in your every day life? Start small, build from there – change a life with one small choice at a time – and embrace camaraderie.
Green Acres
Beautiful words my friend. Great backblast. Thank you for leading. Never been to Mayhem but might have to make a change. Reads as a turrible and tough workout. T-claps!
Thanks GA. Looking forward to having you. I’ll bring a little “mayhem” to TRQ next week right?!
Green Acres
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