Retired Redux

QIC: Green Acres

Date: 2-27-25

PAX: Superfly, The Singing Cowboy(WB), Green Acres (WD, Q)

YHC had a good beatdown planned for Oct 3, but as Turnover would say, 46 of you knuckleheads showed up in tank tops so the plan was greatly modified. (One of the best mornings of my life…loved it so much! 💙). Might as well recycle that workout. Even remembered to charge speakers and had music this time. 😄. A pair of three was on hand and we got right to work. Warmarama as usual:  SSH, Imp Walkers, AV, Whirlies, arm circles, Mike Phelps, CH squats. Then

the Thang:

Ranger merkins x 15 IC

Elbow to Knee (aka Mutton Crunch)

Toy soldier walk to brick planter

Irkins x 15 IC

Right leg step ups x 20

Elevated Knee raises x 20

Derkins x 15 IC

Left leg step ups x 20

Irkins x 15 IC

Flies of the Y variety x 15

E2K again x 10 each side

then to playground for 3 rounds of 10 pull-ups, 20 merkins, 30 LBC

then to rocks for curls, skull crushers, bent rows, OH press, lo flutter, cardigans x 15 each IC.
Back to start for Mary:  Freddie Merc x 20, lo Dolly , WWII’s, and 3 Huck merkins and Done.
Objective of wearing myself out was achieved 🥵. The other two had no problems but said it was sufficient. Very little chatter today. I played some of my favorite songs on some kickass speakers (thanks to my M), we had perfect weather, so it was a great morning.
I want to copy and paste Rollback’s BB here since he said it so well, but this thing F3 that we have is so precious and good.  Love you guys. So happy to be part of this cult. 😅


  • Burns
    February 27, 2025 10:04 am

    Looks like a great beatdown! Glad to have you back in the gloom post-surgery, and that the retired life hasn’t drawn you away from your early mornings!

  • wobegon
    February 27, 2025 10:36 am

    Hate to miss thids one. Cat woke me up in the night so sleep was not great, then had to make an early morning trip to the office. So many excuses! Oh well, great job, boys.

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