The Champagne of Workouts at the High Life
Date: 03/25/25
PAX: Frostbite (WB, Nantan, World Traveler), Hot Dish (recent birthday, former world traveler, and migrated mid-westerner), Blue Steel (Actual globalist, bionic body parts without a cover, second best bi-lingual barista in his house), BAM (WD)
Epic does not begin to cover what went down at the High Life this evening. Unwitting pax assembled and reluctantly exited their cars to see what was in store. Oh the stories they will tell their grandchildren for generations to come.
There were exercises, sure, but so much more unfolded that is the stuff of legend.
As the Q began, the ghost of Toto-past appeared asking if attempting to do a warmorama in a busy parking lot was the safe thing to do. So, eschewing calls of time wasting from the Nantan (it was in Italian, so it was either that or he called me a son of a motherless goat), the pax moseyed to the parking lot of neighboring school to get warm in peace.
As we moseyed, the pax marveled at the sleek and aerodynamic leg of Blue Steel. Evidently the wrap job of his new sponsor, Crazy Kevin Powell Motorsports, has not come in yet, so he had to go with basic grey. However there is nothing basic about this appendage. Blue Steel proceeded to do a back hand spring and pass out the most perfect espressos before we started the 3-4 man grinders! It was a lovely and unexpected play on grinding coffee. I tell ya, that Blue Steel never ceases to amaze!
Officially grinding the workout to a halt, the pax moseyed down the hill to the AARP training facilities. Some of Winston’s finest workers were repairing a bus stop to our left, and a young and quite fit dude decided he wanted no part of the smoke that Hot Dish was bringing. As we did some things to help the time pass, baseball and Italy came up. The Q was attempting to brag about his beloved Diamond Dogs who have already launched 70 dingers early in the season, but the Nantan quickly shifted and hijacked the conversation to the flailing Deacons, their excessive walks, how he played in the World Series, and just returned from a 4 month safari in the jungles of Italy. Not to be outdone, Hot Dish joined in about his travels to the same and other tropical locales, effectively shutting the bumpkin Q out of the conversation. (going to Rome, Georgia does not meet their standards)
As conversation increased and effort decreased, the Q had them mosey to another spot for one more set of fun from Lemming’s favorite cartoon. The world travelers stuck together, and much like how Goofy treats his driver, left YHC to do all the work and counting.
As time wrapped up, we headed back to where we started and called it a day.
- Q school Saturday (the Nantan also critiqued my ability to Q and said I should be there)
- If you’re reading this, you use slack, so you can find any announcements
- Grandparents of Frostbite’s M
- asian parents
- kindness
I notciced that the usual chatty BAM was quiet tonight…I’m sorry that Yard Dawgs hasn’t quite made the splash as Diamond Deacs. I do not make the rules!
Great BB and thank you for leading!
Dare I say we did Italian Grinders?
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