The Toughest Mile

QIC: Rubber Ducky

Date: 3.1.2025

PAX: Van Gogh, Spicoli, Hitchcock, Brown Bag, Rachel Ray, Mutton, Drip, Rubber Ducky

A couple of months ago I got asked by Mutton to Q Impossible Situation (IS).  This is what we call the “Mother-Ship” since years ago before I joined F3 this from what I understand was the first AO.  Up until recently this one had been a weekly thing but attendance has fallen to where it is now the first of the month.  That being said, we have one thing that most AO’s do not have and that is a track.  So me being “not  a runner”, I decided to bring back “ The Toughest Mile”.

I first rolled this out at Alcatraz last year and I knew it was going to be popularly “Turrible” with the Bootcamp PAX.  This one did not disappoint either.

Here is the rundown – you need a solid hour.

  • 400 meter – Burpee Squat Jump
  • 400 meter – Lunge Walk
  • 400 meter – Bear Crawl
  • 400 meter – Jog/Light Run

That is it.  Simple and effective and “Turrible”.


Everyone finished.  Spicoli was a little late because he tweaked his leg with the Murph prior.  Still super solid.  Van Gogh was ahead of the pack and had time to do some Yoga ahead of the PAX.  Hitchcock and Rachel Ray showed up ready to go.  I don’t think they knew what to expect but still killed it.  Mutton, Drip, Brown Bag and YHC tried to keep a steady but firm pace.  This workout is as much mental as it is physical.

That being said, this morning I can feel every muscle in my back and shoulders.  YHC will be resting today for sure.

All in all, this was a solid workout and good for the month of March.

Thank you all for showing up and letting me lead.

Mutton – Left the keys by the Porta-John on the left side.


Duck Out!


  • Spicoli
    March 2, 2025 1:33 pm

    Turrible workout indeed! YHC started 8 minutes behind the PAX which meant I could see what awaited me in the not to far distance yet was never going to catch-up.

    Just had to “lock in” as the youths say and get my mind right. Had plenty of time to do that during the broad jump burpee lap…

    It was very much an IPC worthy workout whether you were doing it with company or solo. 💪🏻❤️

    Thank you for leading, Duck! 🦆

  • Van Gogh
    March 5, 2025 10:13 am

    Nice to be back at the mothership, really appreciated the challenge of this on the track. 100% possible to do this after a Murph. My traps and lats were still sore 4 days later. Appreciate the challenge of this!

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