What to Do When You Can’t
QIC: Dr. Toot
Date: 18 March 2025
PAX: Van Gogh (WB), Wobegon (CD), Dr. Toot (Q,WD, NCD)
The Q has not been to the AO since 11/2024 due to unfortunate circumstances, so good to see the EC crowd of Wobegon and Van Gogh show up a few minutes early. Wobegon went the hard way, which VG agreed. How can we raise the heart rate and not run??
THE THANG: Three stations across the parking lot for a 2,4,6,8,10 ladder. On one end, merkins; at the other end alternating box cutters. In the middle in both directions, 5 burpees. Mode of transportation was bear crawls and crawl bears on the return. Less fun, but VG did his thing and Wobegon was not to be cheated out of his time. Fast walk to the parking deck for deconstructed burp ups, 11 was the number, for boot strap squats, in and outs, merkins, ins and outs, boot strap squats, pull ups, and finally, burp ups. Returned to the parking lot for a Dirty Dozen of merkins, sweat angels, R leg lunges, ranger merkins, WW IIs, L leg lunges, diamond merkins, gas pumps, prom dates (DC, L and R leg up alternating), wide merkins, flight attendants, and pickle pounders. Bonus round of our ladder in which 11 Mike Tysons, 11 burpees, and 11 H2H were done. Finished with extended Mary.
COT: Wobegon’s wife is starting new job as associate dean of everything that matters(library) at Appalachian State University , sweet! Van Gogh has a good friend who is going through struggles, we pray over him and look forward to having him come along side of us.
MNM: Wobegon has for some years stepped up to the highest levels. Van Gogh is Van Gogh. I appreciate them for putting up with a modified Flatline due to my leg issues.
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