Xero sum game

QIC: Rudolph

Date: 3.4.2025

PAX: UGA, Hotdish

Last Highlife in the damnable Daylight Savings time!  Soon it’ll be sunny at workouts again, huzzah.  I sat in the parking lot thinking we’d have no-shows (shouldn’t have said I was Q in a pre-blast), but here came my guy UGA, who I had pointed out in Sunday School and said “be there”.  One minute later it was 6:30 so we were about to start, and as we were about to commence, here comes Hotdish coming in hot!  I pointed at my watch and gave him the scowl, then the smile.  Let’s move the warm-up to the AARP exercise zone.

Warm-up:  SSH, Arm circles, Chainbreakers, Swimmers, Whirly with a clap, Quickmills, Lunge with a twist, LBC’s.

The Thang:  I’ve been travelling a lot so I adopted a program an old F3 buddy gave to me long ago.  Ever see ads for the program Athlean-X on YouTube?  Pretty good stuff, I have started back on their bodyweight-only program, Xero.  Why not have the crew do the workout of the day with me?

Round 1 – Moutain climbers for 1 minute, immediately to Superman planks for 1 minute (one side).  Repeat that, then rest for 1 minute.

Round 2 – Rolling planks for 1 minute, Side plank scissors for 30 seconds.  Repeat that, then rest for 1 minute.

Round 3 – Alpine climbers for 1 minute, immediately to Cliffhangers for 20-30 seconds.  Repeat that, then rest for 1 minute.

THEN….repeat the above.  I assure you, this was just as terrible for the shoulders as it was for the abs.  Thank goodness for the rubber matting and the AARP.

We had 10 minutes left and thankfully the Athlean-X program has a core workout, so we did that as well:

  • Heels 2 Heaven – 15 reps
  • Windshield Wipers – 15 reps
  • Cross-Hop planks – 45 seconds
  • Recliner elbow & knee tucks – 30 seconds
  • Upper circle crunches – 60 seconds
  • Canoe crunches – 30 seconds

We had 1 minute left so we held horse-stance for that time, then TIME!

Announcements – Xero…I mean Zero.

Prayers – for UGA’s mother-in-law who is receiving cancer treatment.  Also for Hotdish’s wife who has travel coming up.  Safety and health for all!

Moleskin- been too long.  Time to commit to getting in workouts whenever possible, because Fitness is second to Fellowship which F3 is great at.  Favorite moment – at the end of the workout Hotdish stood up and said “I couldn’t have done that 2 months ago”.  Yes!!!  That’s iron sharpening iron.

A pleasure to lead, thanks!


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