Zesty’s First Time
QIC: Zesty
Date: March 19, 2025
PAX: Zesty, Bevo, Blind date, Schlitz, Palin, Greenspan, Spicoli, Frank and Beans, Subfloor, Five Dollar Footlong
SSH- 15 IC
IST – 15 IC
Whirleys – 10 IC
Abes- 4 IC
Michael Phelps – 10 IC
The Thang 1: Track 4 “corners”
After Warmorama, we mosied on over to the track. 10 reps were done at each “corner” of the track, and an exercise was added to the workout until the lap was complete. There was some questioning of whether or not tracks can actually have corners, but YHC didn’t let the facts get in the way of a good workout and pushed through.
- Jump Squat – 40
- Mountain Climbers – 30
- Lt. Dan’s – 20
- Burpee – 10
The Thang 2: Partner Dora at the Intimidator.
After the track, we mosied to the intimidator. One partner did the exercise while the other ran up to the first stop sign and back, and then they swapped. An Omaha had to be called because after blowing off Palin’s objection that 300 WW2s is a lot, YHC realized 30 reps in that Palin was, in fact, correct.
100 Merkins
200 Squats
300 200 WW2s
Finally, we returned to launch for Mary. Exercises were called out by pax going around the circle.
Penguin Crunch
Box Cutter
WW2s with pauses part of the way through
Planks alternating between high and low
Announcements: Spicoli has q for TRQ tomorrow, Greenspan has Conspiracy next week, and Zesty has UA next week. Happy hour and a half at Brouwerij Dubois tomorrow.
Prayer Requests: Van Gogh’s M’s mom had surgery last night. Prayer requested for our government to have empathy.
Thanks to Frank and Beans for letting me take this on! They say you never forget your first time, and this was a great group of men to have it with.
Good ole classic beatdown @zesty! Strong work my man!
Well done, Zesty. We’ll always have Creed.
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